This item is now in mature support. For more information please visit the Esri Product Life Cycle page.


Distance To Assets

Distance to Assets can be used to find the shortest routes to and from bases and assets.

The Distance to Assets solution contains a toolbox used to analyze the distance between a set of bases with related assets. The solution includes sample assets and bases text files that you can geocode, find shortest routes to and from, and report total distances to related assets from each base. The solution uses geocoding to locate assets and bases, with a local or an online Address Locator, and the Closest Facility Network Analyst solver which you can route against local data or online data.

This solution will:

  • Provide an example map with assets and bases text files that you can geocode.
  • Provide tools to geocode, back up, route, and summarize the data.


Distance to Assets requires specific technical experience and software. Minimum system requirements for the ArcGIS Platform can be found on the Support website.

Requirement Description
Map Authoring
  • ArcGIS Pro 2.5-2.9 (Basic or higher), or
  • ArcMap 10.5 or later (Basic or higher)

What you get

When you download the Distance to Assets solution, you will find the following:

File Folder Description ArcGIS Pro Folder containing an ArcGIS Pro project template to get you started with Distance To Assets.
ArcMap Folder containing sample data, toolboxes, and a map document to get you started with Distance To Assets.
Resources Supporting files for Distance To Assets.

What's new

Below are the release notes for the Distance to Assets solution. If you need support, please contact Esri Support Services. If you'd like to get help from defense community members, post your questions on GeoNet.

Version Description
September 2017
  • Added Distance to Assets ArcGIS Pro Project Template
  • Added offline documentation

Get started with Distance to Assets
