Personalize the Application

You can personalize the Image Discovery Application by adding or removing widgets, setting operational layers, and customizing the map.

  1. Open site/config/imagery/imageryConfig.json in a text editor.
  2. All widgets have a "create" entry. Set "create" to TRUE to enable the widget in the Image Discovery Application.

    The weather widget requires an API key. You can get an API key at: Weather Underground. Set your API key in site\config\widgets\WeatherWidgetConfig.json.

  3. The "map" entry allows you to customize how the map is loaded.
    • initializationParameters Allows you to forward all the options supported by esri.Map to the map creation logic.
    • useBasemapGallery When this is TRUE, the Image Discovery Application will use the ArcGIS Online Basemap Gallery. When false, you can specify base maps in the "basemaps" configuration entry.
    • initialExtent The initial extent of the map on load.
    • operationalLayers An Array of layer objects that will be displayed in the application's table of contents.
  4. The "header" entry allows you to customize the logo/text/help/contact header display in the viewer.
  5. The "bookmarks" entry allows you to point to a JSON file for preloaded bookmarks on application load. See web\config\bookmarks.json for the bookmark format.