Create Flood Impact Plan Table


This tool creates a table of infrastructure within a predicted flood impact area.


  • The tool intersects input features with the selected impact area and writes the results to the Target Action table.
  • All joins must be removed from input features before running this tool.
  • After the tool has run, join the output Target Action table to each input feature class to map impacted infrastructure.
  • This tool must be run in the foreground.


Parameter Explanation Data type
Input Features

Layers or feature classes from which records will be extracted.

Examples of inputs are facility site points; locations of vulnerable populations; and infrastructure data such as storm water, sewer, and road features.

Multiple Value
Input Features ID Fields

Provide a comma-separated list of fields containing the feature identifiers for the input features. These field names are case sensitive, and do not need to be in the same order as the feature layers to which they apply.


Flood Impact Area

Flood Impact Area layer or feature class. This feature class will be intersected with the input features to identify important locations potentially impacted by a flood.

In the Local Government Information Model, this is LocalGovernment.gdb\PublicSafetyPlanning\FloodImpactArea.

This feature class is the result of the Create Flood Impact Area tool.

Feature Layer
Flood Level Choose the flood level for which the Target Action table should be prepared. Long
Flood Area Name Choose the flood area name for which the Target Action table should be prepared. string
Target Action Table Table to which the potentially impacted features will be written. Table View