Configure report details

To set up the reports on your own data, you will need to load your reporting areas into the ReportingAreas dataset and adjust the data in the Data section to your assets. To update, open your configuration file and locate the ReportDetails section.

Parameter Description
RunReport True or False parameter to allow the entire section to be bypassed.
ReportingAreas The reporting area polygon feature class. All reports will be created for each polygon feature in this layer.
ReportingAreasIDField Unique ID field in your reporting areas layer.
SchemaGDB The database with all schemas required for the report outputs.
ResultsGDB The database to store all the results from the reports, this database does not need to exist.
CSVOutputLocation Specify a csv file to store the merged results of all reports, each report will need the ReportMerge set to True or Yes.
Data List of paths to data used through the report. For each object in the list, provide a name and the path.
ExportDataLocally True or False parameter to export all data in the Data section to a local FGDB prior to running the reports.
TempExportLocation Name and location of the file geodatabase where the report data will be exported to.
PreProcessingTasks Define additional pre-processing models to create new data required for the report. These models need to be fully configured and the resulting data defined in the above Data section. The format is defined below. When specifying the model name, use the name of the model, not the label.
  "ToolType": "Model",
  "ToolPath": "..\\Maps and GDBs\\ReportProcessing.tbx",
  "Tools": [