The Mounted CCM tool combines the vehicle specifications with slope, surface roughness, vegetation, and soil information to estimate off-road speeds for vehicles.
To calculate a new speed estimate, identify the following:
- Input Area of Interest - This feature defines the area within which the tool calculates the mounted CCM.
- Select a polygon layer from the map, or
- Draw a polygon using the feature construction tool.
- Input Vehicle Parameter Table - The input table of vehicle parameters to use for speed calculations.
- Select the maotVehicleParameters table in the SupportingData geodatabase that comes with this template, or
- Another table with the same schema.
- Input Vehicle Type - Choose the vehicle type for the speed calculation. These values are from the Input Vehicle Parameter Table.
- Select at least one of the listed vehicle types. If you specify more than one vehicle type, the tool calculates the maximum speed for the least capable vehicle in the convoy for each cell in the output.
- Input Elevation - Input elevation raster.
- Select the elevation layer that is in the map, or
- Browse to an elevation raster.
- Output CCM - The output Cross-Country Mobility raster.
- The Output CCM is a raster file that the script creates containing the mobility information. The file is symbolized using the MountedCCMOutput_KPH layer file.
- Soil Options - Optional input data for the speed calculation.
- Input Soil Features (optional) - The features must have a string field named soilcode that matches the soil code values in the Input Soils Table.
- Input Soils Table (optional) - If you use soils in your analysis, you can specify whether the soils are considered wet or dry. This table contains a string field for soil codes and two double float fields (named f4dry and f4wet) that allow you to specify speed degradation factors for wet and dry conditions. Select the maotSoils table from the SupportingData geodatabase that comes with this template, or another table with the same schema.
- Wet or Dry Soils (optional) - Select WET or DRY soil condition to specify the factors from the Input Soils Table to use for the calculation. DRY is the default.
- Surface Roughness Options - Optional input data for the speed calculation.
- Input Surface Roughness Features (optional) - Choose a layer of surface roughness features. The features must have a string field named roughnesscode that corresponds to surface roughness code values in the Input Surface Roughness Table.
- Input Surface Roughness Table (optional) - If you use surface roughness features in the analysis, you can use the Input Surface Roughness Table to specify speed degradation factors for different roughness values. The surface roughness degradation values are stored in a double float field named f5. Select the maotSurfaceRoughness table from the SupportingData geodatabase that comes with this template, or another table with the same schema.
- Vegetation Options - Optional input data for the speed calculation.
- Input Vegetation Features (optional) - Select a layer of vegetation polygon features. These polygons determine the speed degradation caused by vegetation. The features must have a string field named f_code that matches the feature code values in the Input Vegetation Table.
- Input Vegetation Table (optional) - If you use vegetation features, use the vegetation roughness table used to calculate the vegetation's effect of vehicle speed. Select the maotLandCover table from the SupportingData geodatabase that comes with this template, or another table with the same schema.
- Minimum or Maximum Vegetation (optional) - If you use vegetation features, select the vegetation roughness value from the Input Vegetation Table to use in the calculation. MAX is the default.
- Click OK.