This item is now in mature support. For more information please visit the Esri Product Life Cycle page.


Military Aspects of Weather

The Military Aspects of Weather template is for importing and analyzing weather data and identifying the anticipated effects of current conditions and forecast weather on potential operational activities.

This template illustrates how to:

  • Utilize scheduled tasks to download data using batch files.
  • Import and analyze weather station data from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
  • Identify the effects of current conditions and weather forecasts on operational activities.


Military Aspects of Weather requires specific technical experience and software. Minimum system requirements for the ArcGIS Platform can be found on the support website.

Military Aspects of Weather is supported on ArcGIS 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3.

Requirement Description
  • Knowledge of scheduled tasks
  • Editing raster functions
  • Editing Python scripts
  • Installing and using geoprocessing tools in ArcMap
  • Publishing GIS services
Map Authoring
  • ArcMap 10.3 Standard or Advanced
GIS Service Hosting
  • ArcGIS Server 10.3 Standard or Advanced and later with an enterprise or workgroup geodatabase
  • Data must be in NetCDF format

What you get

When you download the Military Aspects of Weather template, the download includes:

Directory Folder Item Description
MAoW ClimateMap.mxd The map document containing climate data.
OperationalWeather.mxd The map document containing all the raster functions results displayed using the layer files within the Layers folder.
ClimateData DryBulbTemp.txt Dry bulb temperature data for the downloaded weather stations.
MaxDryBulbTemp.txt Maximum dry bulb temperature data for the downloaded weather stations.
MinDryBulbTemp.txt Minimum dry bulb temperature data for the downloaded weather stations.
NumDaysRain.txt Number of days with rain/drizzle data for the downloaded weather stations.
NumDaysThunder.txt Number of days with thunder data for the downloaded weather stations.
Precipitation.txt Precipitation data for the downloaded weather stations.
readme.txt Brief explanation of naming convention and make up of raster data used for mapping.
RelativeHumidity.txt Relative humidity data for the downloaded weather stations.
Sunshine.txt Sunshine data for the downloaded weather stations.
WindDirection.txt Wind direction data for the downloaded weather stations.
WindSpeed.txt Wind speed data for the downloaded weather stations.
Geodatabase Climate.gdb A geodatabase containing the Climate datasets.
OperationalWeather.gdb A geodatabase containing the OperationalData and OperationalWind mosaic datasets.
Layers ClimateDiurnalTemperature.lyr Layer file used for diurnal temperature symbology.
ClimateFrostDay.lyr Layer file used for frost day symbology.
ClimateHeatIndex.lyr Layer file used for heat index symbology.
ClimatePolyDiurnalTemperatureRange.lyr Layer file used for diurnal temperature range symbology.
ClimatePolyFrostDayFrequency.lyr Layer file used for frost day frequency symbology.
ClimatePolyHeatIndex.lyr Layer file used for heat index symbology.
ClimatePolyPrecipitation.lyr Layer file used for precipitation symbology.
ClimatePolyRainDays.lyr Layer file used for rain days symbology.
ClimatePolyRelativeHumidity.lyr Layer file used for relative humidity symbology.
ClimatePolySunshineDuration.lyr Layer file used for sunshine duration symbology.
ClimatePolyTemperature.lyr Layer file used for temperature symbology.
ClimatePolyWindChill.lyr Layer file used for wind chill symbology.
ClimatePolyWindSpeed.lyr Layer file used for wind speed symbology.
ClimatePrecipitation.lyr Layer file used for precipitation symbology.
ClimateRainDays.lyr Layer file used for rain days symbology.
ClimateRecentNaturalHazards.lyr Layer file used for recent natural hazards symbology.
ClimateRelativeHumidity.lyr Layer file used for relative humidity symbology.
ClimateSnowline.lyr Layer file used for snowline symbology.
ClimateSummerPrecipitation.lyr Layer file used for summer precipitation symbology.
ClimateSummerTemperature.lyr Layer file used for summer temperature symbology.
ClimateSunshine.lyr Layer file used for sunshine symbology.
ClimateSunshineHours.lyr Layer file used for sunshine hours symbology.
ClimateTemperature.lyr Layer file used for temperature symbology.
ClimateWindChill.lyr Layer file used for wind chill symbology.
ClimateWindspeed.lyr Layer file used for windspeed symbology.
ClimateWinterPrecipitation.lyr Layer file used for winter precipitation symbology.
ClimateWinterTemperature.lyr Layer file used for winter temperature symbology.
ForecastDerivedHeatIndex.lyr A layer file with symbology for the DeriveHeatIndex raster function.
ForecastDerivedRelativeHumidityCelsius.lyr A layer file with symbology for the DeriveRelativeHumidity raster function.
ForecastDerivedRelativeHumidityPercent.lyr A layer file with symbology for the DeriveRelativeHumidity raster function.
ForecastDerivedWindChill.lyr A layer file with symbology for the DeriveWindChill raster function.
ForecastDerivedWindChillUV.lyr A layer file with symbology for the DeriveWindChillUV raster function.
ForecastExtractCloudCeiling.lyr A layer file with symbology for the ExtractCloudCeiling raster function.
ForecastExtractCloudCoverPercent.lyr A layer file with symbology for the ExtractCloudCover raster function.
ForecastExtractGustKmh.lyr A layer file with symbology for the ExtractGust raster function when wind speed is in km/hr .
ForecastExtractGustKnots.lyr A layer file with symbology for the ExtractGust raster function when wind speed is in knots.
ForecastExtractGustMph.lyr A layer file with symbology for the ExtractGust raster function when wind speed is in mph.
ForecastExtractPrecipitationRateMmhr.lyr A layer file with symbology for the ExtractPrecipitationRate raster function.
ForecastExtractTemperatureCelsius.lyr A layer file with symbology for the ExtractTemperatureDegC raster function when temperature is in °C.
ForecastExtractTemperatureFahrenheit.lyr A layer file with symbology for the ExtractTemperature raster function when temperature is in °F.
ForecastExtractVisibilityKm.lyr A layer file with symbology for the ExtractVisibility raster function.
ForecastOperationalImpact.lyr A layer file with symbology for all of the operational impact raster functions.
ForecastWindDirectionMagnitude.lyr A layer file with symbology for the ExtractWindDirection raster function.
NetCDFData A folder containing sample NetCDF data.
RasterFunctions DeriveHeatIndex.rft.xml Raster function to calculate heat index using relative humidity and temperature.
DeriveWindChillNonUV.rft.xml Raster function to display windchill but not using u and v components of wind. Uses a single variable for wind speed and single variable for temperature .
DeriveWindChillUV.rft.xml Raster function to display windchill using u and v components of wind. Uses a single variable for temperature.
ExtractCloudCeiling.rft.xml Raster function to display cloud ceiling height from data.
ExtractCloudCover.rft.xml Raster function to display percentage cloud cover from data.
ExtractGust.rft.xml Raster function to display wind gust derived from u and v values of wind.
ExtractPrecipitationRate.rft.xml Raster functions to display precipitation rate from data.
ExtractRelativeHumidity.rft.xml Raster function to display relative humidity from data.
ExtractTemperature.rft.xml Raster function to display temperature readings from data.
ExtractTemperatureDegC.rft.xml Raster function to extract temperature from data and change from Degrees Kelvin to Degrees Centigrade.
ExtractVisibility.rft.xml Raster function to display visibility values from data.
ExtractWindDirection.rft.xml Raster function to display wind direction using u and v components of wind.
ExtractWindDirectionNonUV.rft.xml Raster function to display wind direction but not using u and v components of wind. Uses a single variable for wind direction.
ExtractWindSpeed.rft.xml Raster function to display wind speed using u and v components of wind.
ExtractWindSpeedNonUV.rft.xml Raster function to display wind speed but not using u and v components of wind. Uses a single variable for wind speed.
OpImpactAirDefenseCloudCeiling.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of cloud ceiling values on air defense operations.
OpImpactAirDefenseTemperature.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of temperature values on air defense operations.
OpImpactAirDefenseVisibility.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of visibility values on air defense operations.
OpImpactAirDefenseWindSpeed.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of wind speed derived from u and v values on air defense operations.
OpImpactArtilleryCloudCeiling.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of cloud ceiling values on artillery operations.
OpImpactArtilleryVisibility.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of visibility values on artillery operations.
OpImpactArtilleryWindSpeed.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of wind speed derived from u and v values on artillery operations.
OpImpactBridgeCrossingWindSpeed.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of wind speed derived from u and v values on bridge crossings.
OpImpactCrossCountryManeuversCloudCeiling.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of cloud ceiling values on cross country maneuvers.
OpImpactCrossCountryManeuversSnowDepth.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of snow depth values on cross country maneuvers.
OpImpactCrossCountryManeuversTemperature.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of temperature values on cross country maneuvers.
OpImpactCrossCountryManeuversVisibility.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of visibility values on cross country maneuvers.
OpImpactCrossCountryManeuversWindSpeed.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of wind speed values derived from u and v values on cross country maneuvers.
OpImpactParachuteCloudCeiling.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of cloud ceiling values on parachute operations.
OpImpactParachuteWindSpeed.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of wind speed values on parachute operations.
OpImpactPersonnelHeatIndex.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of heat index values on personnel.
OpImpactPersonnelTemperature.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of temperature values on personnel.
OpImpactPersonnelWindChill.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of wind chill values on personnel.
OpImpactUAVCloudCeiling.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of cloud ceiling values on UAV operations.
OpImpactUAVVisibility.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of visibility values on UAV operations.
OpImpactUAVWindSpeed.rft.xml Raster function to display the operational impact of wind speed values on UAV operations.
TacticalAirliftCloudCeiling.rft.xml Raster function to display the impact of cloud ceiling values on tactical airlifts.
TacticalAirliftVisibility.rft.xml Raster function to display the impact of visibility values on tactical airlifts.
Scripts DataDownload.txt Log file for data download scripts. Python script for deleting old files. Python script used by the ExtractGust raster function. Python script used by the DeriveHeatIndex raster function. Python script used to download NAM data from the NOAA website.
NAMDownloadBatch.bat Batch file for running the script from task scheduler. Used by the Import WMO Station Data tool when importing the WMO station climate data . Python script used by the DeriveWindChillNonUV raster function. Python script used by the DeriveWindChillUV raster function. Python script used by the WindDirectionFromUV raster function. Python script used by the OpImpact wind speed raster functions.
Tools ccconstant A raster of constant value used within the cloud ceiling raster functions.
MST_Install Folder contains all the extracted parts of the Multidimensional Supplemental Tools downloaded from here.
MultidimensionalSupplementalTools Folder contains all the tools of the Multidimensional Supplemental Tools downloaded from here.
scratch Folder contains the scratch database and associated files used within the preparation of the climate data.
MAOWTools.tbx MAOW toolbox containing the Import_WMO_Data toolset.
OperationalThresholds.xlsx Table of all the operational thresholds used within the OpImpact raster functions.

What's new

Below are the release notes for Military Aspects of Weather. If you need support, please contact Esri Support Services. If you'd like to get help from others in the military and intelligence community, post your questions on GeoNet.

Version Description
April 2018 Military Aspects of Weather solution is in mature support.
  • The Military Aspects of Weather template is considerably more automated than its predecessor.
  • The template uses raster functions to process data on the fly, rather than creating individual raster datasets for each variable and time.
  • Thresholds for operational impacts are held and maintained within the raster function, rather than in a central table.
  • Support for ArcMap 10.3.

Known Issues

  • Test data within the zip file may become corrupt in transit. A work around is to download the new up-to-date data using the provided python script and the data links.
  • The time slider must be turned on when the OperationalWeather.mxd is opened or the map display will be empty. This is due to the map layers being time enabled.
  • Import weather and climate data.
  • Apply conversions and calculate derivative products.
  • Visualize the weather and the operational impacts on a map.
  • Support for ArcGIS 10.2 and 10.1.

Get started with Military Aspects of Weather

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