This item has been moved to mature support. Please see What's new for more information.


Health and Safety Reports is a configuration of Crowdsource Reporter application, Crowdsource Manager application, and ArcGIS Dashboards that can be used by the general public to report health and safety concerns, and by public safety personnel to manage and monitor those reports.

Health and Safety Reports can be used by emergency management organizations during severe weather, power outages, and other events to collect information vital to response and recovery efforts. The collection of ArcGIS configurations can also be used on a daily basis, outside an emergency event, to collect health and safety concerns that could impact a community.


To deploy Health and Safety Reports with the ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool requires specific software.

Requirement Description
Solution deployment
  • ArcGIS Pro 2.6 - 2.9 (Basic, Standard, or Advanced)
Solution hosting
  • ArcGIS Online, or
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 - 10.8.1 (Standard or Advanced) with managed data store
  • GeoForm (configurable application template)
  • Crowdsource Reporter (configurable application template)
  • Crowdsource Manager (configurable application template)
  • ArcGIS Dashboards

What you get

Health and Safety Reports can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization without downloading the solution. When you deploy Health and Safety Reports in your organization, you'll find the following:

Item Name Description
Applications Citizen Reports An application used by citizens to report non-emergency incidents.
Health and Safety Reports An application used by the general public to report health and safety concerns.
Health and Safety Manager An application used by public safety personnel to manage and monitor health and safety reports.
Health and Safety Dashboard An application by public safety personnel to monitor health and safety reports.
Maps Citizen Reports A map using in the Citizen Reports application to display information about citizen reports.
Health and Safety Reports A map used in the Health and Safety Reports application to display information about public safety reports.
Health and Safety Reports Dashboard A map used in the Health and Safety Reports Dashboard application to display information about citizen and public safety reports.
Health and Safety Reports Manager A map used in the Health and Safety Reports Manager application to display information about citizen and public safety reports.
Feature layers CitizenReports A feature layer used to store citizen report locations and information.
PublicSafetyReports A feature layer used to store public safety report locations and information.
Groups Health and Safety Reports A group used to configure the Crowdsource Reporter application and used to share maps with members of your organization who will be submitting reports.
Health and Safety Reports Manager A group used to configure the Crowdsource Manager application and used to share maps with members of your organization who will be managing reports.

What's new

Below are the release dates and notes for Health and Safety Reports.

Date Description
November 2020
  • Health and Safety Reports has been moved to mature support.
April 2018
  • Support for ArcGIS Dashboards configurable web app.
  • Data schema, symbols and sample data updated.
December 2017
September 2017
June 2017
March 2017
January 2017
  • Health and Safety Reports can now be deployed in your ArcGIS Organization with the ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool
December 2016
  • Several updates to the Crowdsource Reporter application, including new options for configuring the splash screen, restricting new reports within the boundaries of a polygon layer, and the ability to filter comments to facilitate comment moderation. To learn more, view What's new in Crowdsource Reporter.
  • Several updates to the Crowdsource Manager application, including the ability to filter comments to facilitate comment moderation. To learn more, view What's new in Crowdsource Manager.
September 2016
  • Sample data updated
May 2015
  • First release of Health and Safety Reports