This item has been moved to mature support. Please see What's new for more information.


Mitigation Feedback can be used to share mitigation projects and solicit feedback on a given project from the public.

By providing feedback, government officials can understand better where proposals have impact on the community, which issues are most pertinent, and the general sentiment of the community towards different mitigation plans.


To deploy Mitigation Feedback with the ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool requires specific software.

Requirement Description
Solution deployment
  • ArcGIS Pro 2.6 - 2.9 (Basic, Standard, or Advanced)
Solution hosting
  • ArcGIS Online, or
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.1 - 10.8.1 (Standard or Advanced) with managed data store
  • Crowdsource Reporter (configurable application template)

To manually deploy Mitigation Feedback in your organization requires specific software.

Requirement Description
Map authoring
  • ArcGIS Online, or
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.1 - 10.8.1 (Standard or Advanced)
GIS service hosting
  • ArcGIS Online, or
  • ArcGIS 10.4 for Server (Standard or Advanced), or
    • ArcGIS Data Store, or
    • Enterprise or workgroup geodatabase
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 - 10.8.1 (Standard or Advanced)
  • Crowdsource Reporter (configurable application template)

What you get

Mitigation Feedback Reporter can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization without downloading the solution. When you deploy Mitigation Feedback Reporter in your organization, you'll find the following:

Item Name Description
Application Mitigation Feedback An application used by the general public and other interested parties to review mitigation projects and provide feedback on a given project.
Map Mitigation Feedback A map used to report community comments and display reference datasets related to proposed mitigation projects.
Layer MitigationFeedback A feature layer used to store community comment information reported by the general public and other interested parties.
Group Mitigation Feedback A group used to configure the Crowdsource Reporter application and used to share maps with members of the general public who will be submitting feedback on mitigation projects.

What's new

Below are the release dates and notes for Mitigation Feedback.

Date Description
February 2020
  • Mitigation Feedback has been moved to mature support.
September 2017
  • First release of Mitigation Feedback