The Photo Survey application consumes maps that are publicly accessible through your ArcGIS Online organization. Create a Photo Survey map and share it with citizens so that they can then access the Photo Survey application on smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.
Photo Survey map
To create an ArcGIS Online Photo Survey map, complete the steps below. Please note that the configuration of the feature layer popups and the map item details must be completed as outlined below in order for the Photo Survey application to work.
- Sign in to your ArcGIS Online organization.
Create a map to display the photo feature layer, by completing the following workflow:
- Choose a basemap.
- Add the PhotoSurvey layer to the map. (You may add other data layers to this same map, however, the photo collection layer must be displayed on top for the application to properly access it.)
- Save the map and share it with Everyone.
- Browse to the map and edit the item details. These steps are important drivers in the Photo Survey application and are required for a successful deployment.
- Name: Your map name. This will be the title of your application. It appears on the splash screen and in the survey itself.
- Thumbnail image: A high resolution image for your Photo Survey application. This image will also appear in the splash screen of the application. If no image is provided, the splash screen may appear blank.
- Summary: Summary information describing your Photo Survey application. This text will appear on the application login screen under the application title.
- Description: Help information for your Photo Survey application. This text will appear on the application help page. If you do not provide any text here, the help link in your application will be blank.
- Terms of Use: User contribution levels for your Photo Survey application that will appear on the application user profile page. Copy and paste the text from the example below into a text editor to remove all formatting. Then copy and paste the text again into the terms of use. The final information in this field should look like the second image below.
Copyright 2019 My City === Terms of Use settings === contribution star levels: 0: Getting Started @0 1: Beginner @5 2: Helper @10 3: Intermediate @20 4: Advanced @40 5: Wow! @80 surveyor name field: SRVNAME best photo field: BSTPHOTOID
An example of the contribution settings within the map - Tags: Photo Survey, Photo Collection, Condition Survey, Damage Assessment