Add site addresses

Site address points represent the location of a site or service delivery address assigned by a local government. Typically, site address points are placed on top of the structure associated with the address. Alternatively, they may be located at the center of a parcel or at a location inside the parcel in close proximity to the location of the curb cut.

Site address points are associated with the following two other point features:

  • Address points represent the location along the street network where the specific site or service delivery address has been assigned.
  • Address entrance points are optional and represent the location where the public, or a service provider, would gain access to the specific site or service delivery address. In urban settings, the most direct access to an address may not be coincident with the address point. In rural areas, the address entrance point could, for example, represent an entrance to a shared driveway.

The feature classification and type schema for the site addresses is based on a status field. This status field allows local governments to identify pending, temporary, and current addresses.

Add site addresses

Site address points represent the location of a site or service delivery address assigned by a local government. Each site address point is associated with one or many address points.

To create a site address point, complete the following steps:

  1. Start an edit session.
  2. In the Create Features window, click a site address feature template.
  3. Click the Add Site Address Point construction tool.

    This construction tool places an address point along the road and associates the address point with a new site address. It uses the location of the address point on the road centerline feature (and the road centerline attributes) to populate new site address attributes.

  4. Click the location along the road centerline from where the address should be assigned. This is often the location of the driveway cut.
  5. Add the new site addresses to the map. Double-click the final location to finish adding addresses to the map.
  6. Fill in the feature attribute for the new site addresses.
  7. Save your edits.

Add entrance points (Optional)

Entrance points represent the location where the public, or a service provider, would gain access to the specific site or service delivery address. Entrance points can be associated with one or more site addresses and are especially useful in large apartment or condominium developments, or when a corner lot is addressed off of one street and the driveway entrance is on another.

To create an entrance point, complete the following steps:

  1. Start an edit session.
  2. Select a site address point.
  3. In the Create Features window, click the entrance point feature template.
  4. Click the location of the driveway or building entrance.
  5. Fill in the feature attribute for the new entrance point.
  6. Save your edits.