Additional configuration

Use the Adopta widget to configure the Adopta application to your organization's needs.

Layer and Authentication settings

The Layer and Authentication settings allow you to configure certain application behaviors as well as the look and feel of the applications user interface.

Setting Description
Asset nickname field Field that stores the catch basin a nickname.
Login screen message Message that appears when logging into the application.
Additional signup field Fields in the UserTable to be displayed in the sign up form in addition to email, for example add first and last name.
Show asset address Display reverse geocoded address of catch basin in details view.
Asset highlight color Color of selection symbol displayed around the catch basin symbol when is selected on the map.
Tolerance setting New catch basins is created if no asset is found within tolerance.
My asset symbol Choose a symbol and set the size of user adopted catch basins.


Actions can be configured in addition to your applications primary actions. The primary actions for the Adopta application are assign (Adopt) and unassign (Abandon) a catch basin.

Setting Description
Assign status settings Allows you to label the button (Adopt) in the asset detail view and specify additional actions that occur after clicking the assign status button.
Unassigned status settings Allows you to configure the unassigned label (Abandoned) in the asset detail view and specify additional actions that occur after clicking the unassigned label.
Additional status settings Allows you add additional actions you want citizens report on, for example inoperable catch basins, clogged basins, and so on.
Primary Status Displays text and status buttons in the Adopta application, for example Clear of Debris?
Before action image Image that will be displayed before performing an action.
After action image Image that will be displayed after performing an action.


Messages can be configured to display status and other messages specific to your application.

Setting Description
Assign Message displayed when an asset is successfully assigned. Use '${assetTitle}' for example, to display the title of asset in message.
Unassign Message displayed when an asset is successfully unassigned.
Action Message displayed when action is successfully completed. Use '${actionName}' for example, to display the name of action in message.
Asset not found Message displayed when asset is not found.
Asset already assigned Message displayed when asset is already assigned. Use '${assetTitle}' for example, to display the title of asset in message.
Unable to perform action Message displayed when action is not successful. Use ${actionName} for example, to display the name of the action message.
Asset creation Message displayed when creating a new asset. Use ${layerName} for example, to display the name of the layer in message.
Create asset failed Message displayed when asset creating fails.
User token expired Message displayed when user token is expired and generated.
Signup/Login success Message displayed after successful sign up or log in.
Home screen (when logged in) Message displayed in widgets home screen after user logs into the application.
Cursor tooltip before login Message displayed when the user hovers over the map with their cursor before logging into the application.
Cursor tooltip after login Message displayed when the user hovers over the map with their cursor after logging into the application.
Nickname hint The text displayed in the nickname hint text box.