Load data

Adopta can be used by government agencies to engage the public in the operations and maintenance of a variety of natural and man-made assets (for example, catch basins, hydrants, parks, streams, trails, roads, vacant lots). It leverages existing asset information and organizes it in a specific data structure to jump start your volunteer maintenance program.

The steps below will show you how to configure Adopta for a catch basin maintenance program. If you wish to configure Adopta for different asset maintenance program, create a new ArcMap document and load your specific asset information.

Load catch basin data

To configure your asset maintenance program layer and load your catch basin data, complete the following steps:

  1. Open CatchBasin.mxd.
  2. If necessary, add additional fields you would like to include in the to Catch Basin layer from your catch basin feature class.
  3. Load your catch basin data into the Catch Basins layer using either the Simple Data Loader or the Append geoprocessing tool.
  4. Calculate the Assetstatus field to Available so that assets are ready for adoption, using the following calculation:
    • Assetstatus = "Available"

Add UserTable and register geodatabase

Adopta logs email addresses for each user that participates in an asset maintenance program. It uses a standard user table contained in your enterprise or workgroup geodatabase.

To copy the UserTable to your enterprise or workgroup geodatabase and register your geodatabase, complete the following steps:

  1. Copy the UserTable from the Adopta file geodatabase into your enterprise or workgroup geodatabase.
  2. Register your enterprise or workgroup geodatabase with your ArcGIS server.