Append Attributes From Polygon


Appends fields from a polygon layer to point layer features (for example, adding to the crime layer the name of the precinct in which each crime occurred).


  • Matches Input Polygon Features to Target Point Features based on their relative spatial location.
  • Only point features that are within the polygon feature boundaries will receive the attributes from corresponding polygons.
  • The exact field name, type, and other properties from the fields selected in Fields to Append are added to the Target Point Features.
  • Tool should be run as often as the Fields to Append values are updated in the Input Polygon Features.


AppendAttributesFromPolygon_crime (Input_Polygon_Features, Target_Point_Features, Append_Fields, {Overwrite_Option})

Parameter Explanation Data Type
Input Polygon Features Polygon features coincident with Target Point Features. Feature Layer
Target Point Features Point features coincident with Input Polygon Features. Feature Layer
Fields to Append Fields containing attributes to append to the Target Point Features. Field (Multiple Value)
Overwrite matching fields in Target Point Features If checked, any of the fields in Target Point Features that have the same name as fields chosen in Fields to Append will be overwritten with values from Input Polygon Features. If unchecked, a field a with a unique name will be generated. Boolean

Licensing information

  • ArcGIS Desktop Basic: Yes
  • ArcGIS Desktop Standard: Yes
  • ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Yes