Extract Date Parts to Field


Creates new fields containing date parts (hour, month, year, and so on) from user-defined date field.


  • Existing date part values will be overwritten on the Target Features if the fields already exist.
  • Date part values do not update automatically when the values in the Date Field is updated. This tool should be run as often as the source Date Field is updated.
  • Date part field names are generated automatically based on the input Date Field name.


ExtractDateParts_crime (Target_Features, Date_Field, {Weekday}, {Hour}, {Month}, {Day_of_Month}, {Year})

Parameter Explanation Data Type
Target Features Input features to add date part fields to. Feature Layer
Date Field Date field to extract date parts from. Field
Weekday (Optional) If checked, the tool creates a field with extracted weekday from date field formatted as text. For example, Wednesday. Boolean
Hour (Optional) If checked, the tool creates a field with extracted hour from date field formatted as text in range 0 - 23. Boolean
Month (Optional) If checked, the tool creates a field with extracted month from date field formatted as text in range 1 - 12. Boolean
Day of Month (Optional) If checked, the tool creates a field with extracted day of month from date field formatted as text in range 1 - 31. Boolean
Year (Optional) If checked, the tool creates a field with extracted year from date field formatted as text in yyyy format. Boolean

Licensing information

  • ArcGIS Desktop Basic: Yes
  • ArcGIS Desktop Standard: Yes
  • ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Yes