Incident Sequence


Creates sequential connecting lines between related incidents based on a date field. Output shows order of related incidents.


  • Generates an output feature line class showing the relationship between related sequential incidents and a derived output point feature layer point showing the sequence number of related incidents. The output point feature layer is saved in the same location as the output line feature class. The sequence number is stored in a field called SEQUENCE.
  • This tool requires a date field for the Sort Field parameter. If your input features do not contain a date field, the Convert Time Field tool can be used to generate a date field derived from dates formatted as text in a text field.
  • When the Group Field parameter is used, separate incident sequence lines and points for each of the unique values in the Group Field within the Input Point Features will be generated. When the Group Field parameter is not used, it is assumed all the input features belong to the same sequence, this can have undesired effects for large input feature classes.


IncidentSequence_crime (Input_Point_Features, Output_Feature_Class, Sort_Field, {Grouping_Field})

Parameter Explanation Data Type
Input Point Features Input point features which form a sequence based on date. Feature Layer
Output Feature Class Output line feature class and labeled points layer displaying sequence order. Feature Class
Sort Field Date field defining the sequence of related incidents. Field
Grouping Field (Optional)

Field containing attribute that uniquely identifies incident points which belong to the same sequence.

If left blank, the tool assumes that all of the input points are part of the same sequence.


Licensing information

  • ArcGIS Desktop Basic: Yes
  • ArcGIS Desktop Standard: Yes
  • ArcGIS Desktop Advanced: Yes