Configure social media sign in

The Crowdsource Polling application allows users to sign in with social media credentials (Twitter and Google+) and have an open dialog with other members of the community.

To fully enable social media authentication, you must establish a connection between your application and your organization's Google+ account. In addition, you must configure a valid Commenter Name Field in the Crowdsource Polling application to store the name associated with the user's social media account.

Configure Google+ credentials

Complete the following steps to set up a connection between your Crowdsourcing Polling application and your organization's (or personal) Google+ account:

  1. If you do not have a Google+ account for your organization, create a new one.
  2. Use your Google+ credentials to sign into the Google Developer Console and click Create Project from the Select a project drop-down menu.
  3. Type the name of your project in the Project Name space and click Create.
  4. If the project does not open when it is done building, click the Projects link in the upper left corner of the console and choose your new project.
  5. Click APIs & auth > Credentials in the menu on the left side of the console, then choose to add credentials using OAuth 2.0 client ID.
  6. Click the Configure consent screen button and set up the window that will appear when users provide their Google+ credentials. The provided email address will be used to contact you when users have issues signing into your app with their credentials.
  7. Click Save and choose the application type Web application.
  8. In the Authorized JavaScript Origins parameter type the domain of your application. If you are hosting this app in ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS, this will be the host name of your organization, for example If your application will be public and your organization does not allow anonymous access, you may also want to include If you are hosting the app on your own web server this will be the URL of your server.
  9. In the Authorized Redirect URIs parameter type the URL of your application. If your application will be public and your organization does not allow anonymous access, you may also want to include the public URL of the application. The public URL will start with instead of your organization URL.
  10. Click Create to generate a Client ID. If you need to modify the redirect URIs or the JavaScript Origins associated with this project, you can do so by clicking Edit Settings, making the changes, then clicking Update.
  11. Copy the Client ID value into the Google+ Client ID parameter in the app configuration panel in ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS and save the configuration change.
  12. Click APIs in the menu on the left side of the console.
  13. Enable the following APIs:
    • Google+ API
    • Google+ Domains API
  14. Return to configuring your application, which should now be set up to allow users to sign in using their Google+ credentials.