Host on your web server

Crowdsource Polling can also be hosted on your organization's Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) web server. To host Crowdsource Polling on your web server, complete the following steps:

  1. Download and unzip the Crowdsource Polling application.
  2. Copy the contents to your web server so it can be accessed as a website or virtual directory. In Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), the default web server directory is <your directory>\Inetpub\wwwroot\.
  3. Browse to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  4. Right-click the web server directory folder for the application and choose Convert to Application.
  5. Choose the ASP.NET v4.0 or ASP.NET v4.5 application pool and click OK.
  6. Open the configuration file (\config\default.js) and provide the ID for your ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Enterprise map in the "webmap": "" tag.
  7. Use the following parameters to configure the application:
    Parameter Use

    "title": ""

    Name of the application.

    "titleIcon": ""

    Icon in top left corner of application.

    "displayText": ""

    Text displayed in the help window. HTML tags can be used for formatting.

    "showDisplayTextAsSplashScreen": ""

    Optionally, enable the help window to display automatically when the app loads as a splash screen.

    "color": ""

    Color scheme for the app.

    "featureLayer": ""

    ID of a point, line, or polygon layer whose features are to be listed in the application panel. The layer ID can be found by examining the map json, available by completing this URL with the URL to your organization and the ID of the webmap: http://ORGANIZATION/sharing/content/items/WEBMAPID/data?f=pjson

    . Specify the name of a field to store the vote count for each feature at itemVotesField, and the field to use to sort features at sortField.

    "commentNameField": ""

    Field in a table with a geodatabase relationship to the selected feature layer for storing the name of authenticated commenter's. Table must exist in map.

    "allowFacebook": ""

    This option has been deprecated and should remain set to false.

    "allowGoogle": ""

    This option has been deprecated and should remain set to false.

    "allowTwitter": ""

    This option has been deprecated and should remain set to false.

    "socialMediaDisclaimer": ""

    Social media Sign In options are not available anymore

    "customUrlLayer": ""

    Specify the ID of the layer and the name of the field to use in the URL parameter query.

    "customUrlParam": ""

    Provide a name for the custom URL parameter. To use the URL parameter, add {param name}={field value} to the end of the application URL, where {param name} should be replaced with the name of the URL parameter defined above and {field value} is replaced by one of the values in the field defined above. If the app URL ends with the GUID of an ArcGIS item, separate this query from the ID query with an ampersand (&).

    "headerTextColor": ""

    Hex value of the color of the text in the application header.

    "bodyBackgroundColor": ""

    Hex value of the color of the background of the application body.

    "bodyTextColor": ""

    Hex value of the color of the text in the application body.

    "buttonBackgroundColor": ""

    Hex value of the color of the background of buttons.

    "buttonTextColor": ""

    Hex value of the color of the text and icons on buttons.

    "showListViewFirst": ""

    Choose to have the application open on smartphones to first display either the map or the list of features.

    "showAllFeatures": ""

    Choose to have the application load to list all features in the configured layer, or only those features found within the current map extent.

    "commentPeriod": ""

    When the comment period is 'Open', users will be able to submit comments and votes.

    "commentPeriodDialogTitle": ""

    Title of the window that will appear when the comment period is closed and a user tries to submit a vote or comment.

    "commentPeriodDialogContent": ""

    Message that will appear in the window that will appear when the comment period is closed and a user tries to submit a vote or comment.

    "submitMessage": ""

    Provide the message that will be displayed when a new comment is submitted through the application.

  8. In the "sharinghost": tag, change "" to match the host name for your organization.
  9. Save and close the file.
  10. Type the URL http://<yourServer>/<yourSite>/index.html into your Internet browser with the appropriate substitutions. This will open a fully-configured version of Crowdsource Polling and will confirm that the application is properly set up on the web server.