June 2023 |
- Updated app to use version 3.44 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
February 2023 |
- Updated app to use version 3.43 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
November 2022 |
- A fix for a bug that prevented reference layer to show up when the map is created in new map viewer.
- Updated app to use version 3.42 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2022 |
- A fix to support custom vector basemaps (BUG-000146693).
- Updated app to use version 3.41 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
March 2022 |
- Added support for maps created with the new Map Viewer.
- Updated app to use version 3.40 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
December 2021 |
- A fix for BUG-000143754 that prevented successful address search using custom geocode locator.
- Added cascading selection support while submitting reports.
- Added support for auto populating user infomation in the report and comments when logged into the organization.
- Updated app to use version 3.39 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
September 2021 |
- Updated app to use version 3.38 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2021 |
- A new configurable parameter supporting the scaling of images submitted from users from the app.
- A fix for BUG-000134502 to support address suggestions during address search.
- Added support for a higher resolution image on Sign in page.
- Removed Support for Twitter sign in option.
- Updated app to use version 3.37 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
April 2021 |
- A fix for BUG-000133477 to improve app security by updating the JQuery library version.
- A fix for BUG-000132354 to support country code specific address searching.
- Updated app to use version 3.36 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
December 2020 |
- Added Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge Legacy browser deprecation message.
- Updated app to use version 3.35 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
September 2020 |
- A fix for BUG-000127193 to improve the visibility of the search results.
- A fix for BUG-000128328 to improve the visibility of the hint results.
- Updated app to use version 3.34 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2020 |
- Added the ability to show comments from non-editable related tables.
- Updated app to use version 3.33 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
March 2020 |
- Fixed a bug that prevented submitting reports using Internet Explorer when a reporting period is configured.
- Updated app to use version 3.32 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
December 2019 |
- Updated app to use version 3.31 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
October 2019 |
- Added support for uploading videos from mobile devices as attachments.
- Fixed a bug to improve search query formatting.
- A fix for BUG-000122073 to support configuration with ArcGIS Server feature services when using a vector tile basemap.
- A fix for BUG-000120659 to ensure the application does not redirect to the Crowdsource Reporter template.
- A fix for BUG-000119827 and BUG-000119488 to improve logo layout display for wider images.
- Updated to use version 3.30 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2019 |
- A fix for a bug on resolving console error on viewing pop-up in point layers.
- A fix for a bug on voting functionality error while voting on newly added report.
- Updated to use version 3.29 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
March 2019 |
- Remove support for Google+.
- Added accessibility landmarks to facilitate app navigation with assistive technology.
- Added support for pop-ups using Arcade to display attributes from intersecting features.
- A fix for a bug with accessing non-image attachments.
- Added configurable options to improve control of the display of map details information.
- Updated to use version 3.28 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
December 2018 |
- URL parameters can now be used to point directly to a specific map, layer, or report in Crowdsource Reporter.
- Added a Share option to the app that creates a short URL that points to the current view of the application.
- Added a configurable option to disable the request for users to share their location with the application. When this is disabled, device location can still be used to draw reports in applications accessed over https.
- When a report is accompanied by a photo that contains coordinates in the EXIF data, the application will ask if the photo location should be used as the report location.
- Photos attached to reports now display as part of the pop-up details without clicking an additional button.
- The location of the button that opens the submission form is now configurable.
- Added configurable options for configuring a start and end date and time for collecting reports, comments, and votes.
- Added a configurable option to display a thank you message after comments are successfully submitted.
- Comments can now be sorted ascending or descending by the values in any OID, text, number, or date field.
- Application now supports many common screen readers and all functionality is now accessible through keyboard an swipe commands.
- Updated to use version 3.27 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2018 |
- Added option to configure the message displayed when a report is submitted outside the target area.
- Removed map from the submission form when the app is used in portrait mode on tablets.
- Added a configuration option to use the configured zoom level when navigating to reports.
- Updated to use version 3.26 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
April 2018 |
- Minor enhancements to the location search experience on the submission form.
- A fix for BUG-000107645 to improve display on mobile devices when the app is configured to display the map view of reports when the app loads.
- Enhanced the confirmation message to accept rich text input.
- Updated to use version 3.24 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
December 2017 |
- A fix for BUG-000106163, were the location of a report was not being recorded when the app was using a custom locator and the report was placed by clicking the map.
- Added support for symbology based on Arcade expressions.
- Streamlined the workflow when the application contains a single map with multiple layers. Now, by default, the layer list will expand when the app is opened.
- A fix for an issue seen with some Pro-published layers that did not contain pop-up information in the web map JSON.
- Added a configuration option to choose which locator services are used in the application.
- Added configuration options to display a basemap toggle and a legend in the map area.
- Updated to use version 3.23 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
September 2017 |
- Added a series of configuration parameters which permit the opening and closing of the comment period.
- Added the ability to hide the splash screen and control access to the application through ArcGIS sharing rules.
- A fix for BUG-000104147, where the geographic limitation settings were being ignored when the report location was determined from a searched address rather than a click on the map.
- A fix for bug BUG-000095653, where default values were not being written to fields with editing disabled in the pop-up.
- Fixed an issue where pop-ups for reference layers were displaying even when the layer did not have a pop-up configured.
- Updated to use version 3.22 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2017 |
- Added a configurable option for displaying the pop-up information for features in uneditable reference layers.
- Added a configurable option for sorting reports by the values in a field when the app user's location is not shared with the app.
- The application now honors layer queries when using a polygon layer to restrict where reports may be submitted.
- Fixed an issue with the map zooming to the correct report location on smartphones.
- Improved usability of the application on small screens by adjusting the width of the side panel.
- Updated to use version 3.21 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
March 2017 |
- Support for shared theme
- A fix for BUG-000101946 to improve the display of labels for uneditable layers.
- Improved the user experience when viewing 'My Submissions' on layers that contain filters.
- Added an option to display the map view of existing reports before the list view when the application loads on a smartphone.
- Removed the map from the submission form in the desktop/tablet layout.
- The order of the three main form sections - Details, Attachments, Location - is now configurable.
- The 'Help' content that is accessible from the sign in page can now be different than the content of the 'Help' panel available in the app. The in-app help can also be displayed as a splash screen.
- Updated to use version 3.20 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
December 2016 |
- Added options for configuring the appearance of the splash screen and text found in the app
- Added configurable option to restrict new reports to within the boundaries of features in a polygon layer.
- A fix for BUG-000094248 to improve the selection graphic for reports in secured layers.
- A fix for BUG 000096844 to honor the visibility ranges defined on layers.
- The sign in screen can now be hidden by turning off all sign in options, including guest access.
- Added configurable options to allow users who submit reports through social media or ArcGIS accounts to delete and edit those reports.
- Filters on the comment table are now honored to facilitate comment moderation.
- Support for attachments with comments on layers.
- Updated to use version 3.19 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
September 2016 |
- Fixed BUG-000097007 When adding a Map Image Layer in ArcGIS Online from a secured ArcGIS Server service with credentials saved and add it to a webmap, the layer does not load in the in the Crowdsource Reporter and Crowdsource Manager application.
- Addressed some minor display issues with right-to-left languages.
- Color of the Submit a Report button is now configurable
- Corrected the display of date values formatted using the MM/DD/YYYY and DD/MM/YYYY patterns.
- Restricted the number of time application users can vote for a report to once per browser session.
- Fixed a bug where the favicon displayed in the browser was always the Esri logo.
- Updated to use version 3.18 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2016 |
- Added a configuration option to enable display of uneditable layers along with each editable layer.
- Added support for maps with multi-layer basemaps.
- Added a configuration option for storing the location of a report based on the search term, reverse geocoded location, or coordinates at the location of the report.
- Added the ability to draw the location of a report in either the map on the form, or the larger map that is also visible when accessing the app from a desktop computer or tablet.
- Added a configuration option for disabling anonymous access to the application.
- Updated to use version 3.17 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
February 2016 |
- Simplified app interface when working with a single map and a single layer.
- Addressed an issue with submitting the first report to an empty ArcGIS for Server service.
- Updated to use version 3.16 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
November 2015 |
- Added the option to use the comment table pop-up to build the comment submission form.
- Features now load based on their proximity to the device when the location of the device is shared with the browser.
- Added a configurable help panel accessible from the splash screen and from within the app.
- Updated to use version 3.15 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
July 2015 |
- A series of enhancements and improvements to the user interface.
- An enhancement to the data entry form to use the current extent of map.
- Added the option to hide the ArcGIS sign in button.
- Updated to use version 3.14 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
February 2015 |
- First release of Crowdsource Reporter
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