Configure reclass reports

To update, open your configuration file and set the following parameters for all report objects with "Type": "RECLASS".

Parameter Description
Description Parameter that defines the report. This parameter is not used in any process and is only provide to assist configuration
Type The type of report configuration.
RunReport True or False parameter to determine if the report section should be bypassed.
Data The name of the parameter from the Data section that points to your data.
ReportingAreasFilter ArcMap SQL expression to filter the reporting data for this report section.
FilterSQL The SQL statement used to filter the data layer. To evaluate all features, use the statement "1=1".
UseArcMapExpression True or False parameter to determine if the reclass expressions should use ArcGIS SQL expression. This option is recommended and only exposed to support older configurations that use the original Python syntax.
FieldMap (Only required when UseArcMapExpression is False) Array of fields in the data layer used in the reclass map to calculate the reclass report. For each object in the array the following must be defined:
  • FieldName: data layer's field
  • Expression: value used in the reclass expressions
ReclassMap Array of field in the reclass report layer. For each object in the array, the following must be defined:
  • FieldName: Name of the field to be calculated
  • Expression: Python expression used to calculate the field
  • FinalResultExpression(Optional): Use to override FinalResultExpression defined in each Report. Can use any field defined in the ReclassMap using the following format {FIELDNAME}. Using {ReclassMap} or {Value} will use the field that expression is defined on. If the error results in an error, a value of 0 will be applied.
ReclassType Parameter to determine how features that span multiple reporting areas will be summarized. If single, only the largest portion of the line will be summarized; this is useful when summarizing by feature count since the split feature will only be counted once. If split, each split portion will be summarized; this is useful when summarizing by length as the entire line will be summarized.
CountField Parameter to determine how the results are summarized. Use FREQUENCY for a count of features, use Shape_Length or another numerical field to summarize the values of each row.
AdjustCountField Parameter to determine if the values in the CountField will be proportionally scaled after the feature is split. If true, the field values will be updated to reflect the portion of the line in the reporting area. For example, if the CountField has a value of 200 and is split in half, the two new features will each have a CountField value of 100. If false, the field values will not change. Using the previous example, the CountField value of both features will remain 200. When using the Shape_Length field, this parameter is ignored since this field is updated automatically.
ReportResultSchema Feature class name from the database specified in SchemaGDB parameter. Represents the schema that is used to store the results in.
ReportResult Feature class name from the database specified in ResultsGDB parameter. This dataset does not have to exist.
ReportDateField Date field in the report result layer. This field is calculated with the date and time the report is run.
ReportIDField Unique ID field in the report result layer. This field is calculated using the unique ids of the reporting areas layer features.
ReportOutputType Parameter to determine if the output should be appended to existing data, overwrite the layer or update the reporting data. Values: Overwrite, Append, Update.
ReportAreasOverlap Parameter to determine if a warning message should be raised when the sum of the split features does not equal the original feature. This option should not be used when the reporting areas overlap or do not contain all features. If you receive a warning and your reporting areas do not overlap, evaluated the features reported and determine if they have self-overlapping geometry. Values: True, False.
ReportMerge True or False parameter to determine if the report results should be merged into the CSV output if a path is specified, in the CSVOutputLocation parameter.
FinalResultExpression The expression that will be search for and replaced with the results. This uses python to process the data. Use {ReclassField} for the summarized results from each reclass map.