This item has been moved to mature support. Please see What's new for more information.


Live, Work, Locate is a configuration ArcGIS Web AppBuilder that can be used by the general public and businesses to explore key indicators and business characteristics that help them determine if they would like to live, work, or locate a business in the community.

Live, Work, Locate can be deployed as a collection of applications that supports all three decision points (live, work, locate); or as a single application focused on a key theme, for example, where citizens may like to live in a community.


To deploy Live, Work, Locate with the ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool requires specific software.

Requirement Description
Solution deployment
  • ArcGIS Pro 2.6 - 2.9 (Basic, Standard, or Advanced)
Solution hosting
  • ArcGIS Online, or
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 - 10.8.1 (Standard or Advanced) with managed data store
  • ArcGIS Web AppBuilder

To manually deploy Live, Work, Locate in your organization requires specific software.

Requirement Description
Map authoring
  • ArcGIS Online, or
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 - 10.8.1 (Standard or Advanced)
GIS service hosting
  • ArcGIS Online, or
  • ArcGIS 10.4 for Server (Standard or Advanced), or
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 - 10.8.1 (Standard or Advanced)
  • ArcGIS Web AppBuilder

What you get

Live, Work, Locate can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization without downloading the solution. When you deploy Live, Work, Locate in your organization, you'll find the following:

Item Name Description
Applications Live An application used by potential residents to explore amenities and quality of life indicators.
Work An application used by individuals to explore businesses, transportation, and educational opportunities.
Locate An application used by businesses to explore existing businesses, transportation, and other business indicators.
Maps Live A map used used by the Live application to explore amenities and quality of life indicators.
Work A map used by the Work application to explore businesses, transportation, and educational opportunities.
Locate A map used by the Locate application to explore existing businesses, transportation, and other business indicators.
Feature layer LiveWorkLocate A feature layer used to store quality of life indicators.

What's new

Below are the release dates and notes for Live, Work, Locate.

Date Description
November 2020
  • Live, Work, Locate has been moved to mature support.
March 2017
  • The Near Me widget now allows users to specify the maximum number of results to be returned.
January 2017
  • First release of Live, Work, Locate

Get started with Live, Work, Locate
