Publish services

The maps in Telecommunications solution can be accessed throughout your organization and are optimized for display on the web and on mobile devices. Select a deployment method and follow the steps below to publish the services required for solution.

  • ServiceTerritory.mxd
  • Network.mxd
  • Customers.mxd

Telecommunications maps

To publish the telecommunications maps and add them to your ArcGIS organization, complete one of the following two steps:

  1. If using a hosted service, publish the maps as a feature service. Review the best practices for optimizing a hosted service and enable Optimize Layer Drawing for the layers.
  2. If hosting the service on premise with ArcGIS for Server or ArcGIS Enterprise, publish the maps as a dynamic map service and a feature service.

Complete the following steps on ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Browse to the Customers service and edit the item details:
    • Title: Customers
    • Thumbnail image: Customers Thumbnail
    • Summary: Map layers with the location of customers.
    • Description: A series of layers that represent business and residential customers.
    • Tags: Customer, Business, Residential
  3. Browse to the Network service and edit the item details:
    • Title: Network
    • Thumbnail image: Network Thumbnail
    • Summary: Map layers that represent the fiber network.
    • Description: A series of layers that represent the fiber network for an organization.
    • Tags: Fiber, Splice, Patch, Network
  4. Browse to the ServiceTerritory service and edit the item details:
    • Title: Service Territory
    • Thumbnail image: Service Territory Thumbnail
    • Summary: Map layers that represent the service area and service territories.
    • Description: A series of layers that represent the service area and service territories.
    • Tags: Service, Area, Territory, District