This item has been moved to mature support.

Configure geoprocessing model

To configure the Coverage Processing solution for your organization, the geoprocessing models and map document needs to be updated for your service area and data.

Process Signal Strength Parameters

  1. Open ArcCatalog and browse to CoverageProcessing.tbx and open the Process Signal Strength geoprocessing model.
  2. Select the path to your input signal strength raster.
  3. Define at least one power level and description for your data.
  4. Define the X and Y cell resample sizes. Larger numbers will correspond with faster processing times and a more generalized final result.
  5. Select the output voice coverage layer.
  6. If the signal strength raster covers a large geographic area, and/or there are multiple power levels, and/or the resample size is small, the output voice coverage layer might contain features with hundreds of thousands of vertices. Defining a vertex limit can improve responsiveness in viewing and locating applications.

Map Document Properties

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to your download's Maps and GDBs folder.
  2. Open CoverageProcessing.mxd.
  3. Pan and zoom the map to your service area.
  4. Open the properties of the layer's data frame, select the Data Frame tab, and change the Extent of data in all layers.
  5. Update the Map Document Properties.