Create map

To begin using the Point of Sale solution, a map of the service territory, network, and proposed route is required. If you have not already, publish the services required for the Core Maps and Project Planning Markup solutions. Once the services are published, you can configure a map used in the Point of Sale application.

Point of Sale map

To create a Point of Sale map, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Create a map that can be used to route and cost proposed new services, by completing the following workflows:
    • Choose a basemap.
    • Add the Network service published with Core Maps to the map.
    • Add the Service Territory layer published with Core Maps to the map.
    • Add the Fiber Cable layer published with Project Planning Markup to the map.
    • Configure the layers' pop-up properties.
    • Save the map as Point of Sale.
  3. Share the map with the Network Planning group.