This item has been moved to mature support.

Share results to service

The Append Group Layer to Feature Service tool allows you to publish all the features in a group layer into a series of layers in a feature service.

To use this tool to publish features of a group layer to your ArcGIS organization, ensure you meet the requirements of the tool. Below are the criteria and usage of the Append Group Layer to Feature Service tool:

  • This tool must be run from within ArcMap.
  • You must be logged into an ArcGIS organization or provide the credentials of a built in organization user (if running ArcGIS 10.2.1).
  • The target feature service must be published to your ArcGIS organization with Create capabilities enabled prior to running the tool.

Append Group Layer to Feature Service

Below are the parameters needed to run the Append Group Layer to Feature Service tool:

Parameter Description Data Type
User Name User name used to log into an ArcGIS organization. This parameter is only available at ArcGIS 10.2.1 and must be a built in user. Otherwise, you must be logged into your organization through ArcMap. String
Password Password used to log into an ArcGIS organization. This parameter is only available at ArcGIS 10.2.1. Otherwise, you must be logged into your organization through ArcMap. String Hidden
Organization URL The URL to your ArcGIS organization. This parameter is only available at ArcGIS 10.2.1. Otherwise, you must be logged into your organization through ArcMap. String
Group Layer Group layer with layers to sync to a feature service. Group Layer
Feature Service ID The item ID of the feature service. String
Layer Map A table defining the layer names in the group layer and what layer they map to in the feature service. Record Set
Match Full Name Option to fully match the layer name in the group layer to the layer name defined in the Layer Map. The entire layer name from the layer in the service is used regardless if this option is checked or unchecked. It only applies to the layer in the group layer in ArcMap. For example, if the layer in the group layer is Results 1 and you add Result in the Layer Maps Local Layer Name column, the features from Result 1 will be appended to the Layer in the Service with the name from the Service Layer Name column for that entry. Boolean
Output Projection If a projection is provided, the data is first projected before syncing the content with the feature service. Coordinate System
Convert Fields to Lower Case Option to force all fields to lower case to handle a PostgreSQL based feature service. Boolean
Show Entire Response Option to show the entire response from the service. Boolean