Data Reviewer for Water Utilities contains quality control checks that can be used to assess the quality of water, sewer, and stormwater data.
Batch jobs (*.rbj) are quality control models that encapsulate validation information to be run against a data workspace. They are easily distributed and help ensure the use of consistent checks when validating data so that it conforms to your organization's specifications.
To validate the sewer data, complete the following steps:
- Start a Reviewer session using MapsandGeodatabase\DataReviewer.gdb for Data Reviewer for Water Utilities as a Reviewer Workspace and name your Reviewer session Water Batch Validation.
- Click the Reviewer Batch Validate button on the Data Reviewer toolbar and in the Batch Validate dialog box, do the following:
- In Features to Validate, choose Full Database.
- Click Add from File and browse to the Data Reviewer for Water Utilities Application folder. Select the Water batch job.
- In the Batch Jobs area, uncheck the Geometry on Geometry group check box.
- Click Validate All, then click Run.
Learn more about Validating data with batch jobs using the Reviewer Batch Validate tool
- Click OK. When batch validation is finished, the Table Writer dialog box will appear indicating the number of records that have been written to the Reviewer table.
- Group reviewer table records by Source and Check Title.
- Generate reviewer table statistics, name the file Water Review Statistics and save it to the MapsandGeodatabase Data Reviewer for Water Utilities folder. The report automatically opens so you can review a summary of the errors based on your grouping.
- In the Reviewer table, expand Source : wCasing and Check Title : Orphan Casings.
- Double-click the first record to zoom to the error record.
- Start an edit session.
- Right-click the selected feature and click Delete.
- Stop editing and save edits when prompted.
- Right-click on the error record and click Enter Correction Status. Update the error record correction status, by doing the following:
- Set the Update Status to Resolved.
- Type Deleted Feature as your correction explanation and click OK.
- Scroll to the right side of the Reviewer table to see the updated correction status.
Learn more about Updating the verification status for records
- Click Options > Report and do the following:
- From the Select report list, choose Automated Check Report By Group.
- Save the report in the MapsandGeodatabase for Data Reviewer for Water Utilities folder and name the file
Water Check Report by Group. The report will automatically open in Microsoft Excel.
Learn more about Reports that can be created from Reviewer table records
- Stop the Reviewer session.