Define input

In order to monitor the Leak Logger Results service using GeoEvent Server, you will need to create an input to monitor the feature service.

To create an input to monitor the Leak Logger layer, complete the following steps:


  1. Log into the ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager.
  2. Create a new Poll an ArcGIS Server for Feature input connector and configure with the following details:
    Parameter Value
    Name: LeakLogger-Input
    ArcGIS Server Connection: <Server Connection>
    Folder: <Folder containing the service>
    Service Name: LeakLoggerResults (FeatureServer)
    Layer: Leak Loggers
    Create GeoEvent Definition: Yes
    GeoEvent Definition Name LeakLoggerInput
    Refresh Interval: 10
    Get Incremental Updates: Yes
    Method to Identify Incremental Updates Time Stamp
    Time Field to Identify Incremental Updates last_edited_date
    Query Definition 1=1
    Delete Polled Features No
    Default Spatial Reference 102100