Data and geoprocessing

To implement the Leak Logger Analysis solution at your utility, follow the steps below to update the data and geoprocessing models.


  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to the download's Maps and GDBs folder.
  2. Replace the WaterDistributionNetwork.gdb with a copy of your water distribution network. If you choose to point to an existing geodatabase, copying your data to this folder is not required.
  3. Open the LeakLogger.gdb and delete the CombinedCostSurface raster.
  4. Remove data from the following layers:
    • LoggerPlacement
    • LoggerArea
    • LeakLogger
  5. Adjust the values in the AcousticDistance table.  Make sure to calculate the COSTPERCELL field using the field calculator and the CELLSIZE/DISTANCE.
    • Example using one foot cells: 1/ [DISTANCE]

Geoprocessing models

  1. In ArcCatalog, browse to the download's Maps and GDBs folder.
  2. Expand the Leak Logger Planner toolbox and open the 3 - Leak Logger Planner geoprocessing model in edit mode.
  3. Open and change the Network Coordinate System and Geographic Transformation to the coordinate system of your water network.
  4. Update the System Valve layer with your system valve layer.