Define output

The Main Break Notification solution sends an email notification when a new leak requiring shutdown is reported. For this step, you need access to an SMTP server.

Output connector

  1. Log into the ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager.
  2. Add a new Send an email Output.
  3. Configure the connector with the following details:
    • Name: MainBreakEmailNotification
    • Sender's email address: <Specify>
    • Email Recipients: <Specify>
    • Mail Subject: New Hazard Reported
    • Message:

      ${LEAKSEVRTY} break has been reported.

      Additional details: ${INITCOMMT}

      The event was in proximity of the following critical facilities: ${FACILITY}

      To view this event or run an Isolation Trace, click here:${OBJECTID}

    • Advanced - SMTP: <Specify>