Create publication geodatabase

The first step in deploying the Utility Isolation Trace is to configure and run the required geoprocessing tools to create a publication geodatabase, create the isolation trace toolbox, and run an isolation trace

Before using the isolation trace, specific data requirements need to be met. For this solution, the water mains need to be split at the valve locations and the valves layer can only contain the valves used to isolate a leak.

If your water network data does not meet this criteria, a publication geodatabase is recommended to configure this solution. To streamline the creation of this geodatabase and reconstruction of the water network, the Create Publication GDB geoprocessing model can be used to export the dataset containing the network, split the mains at the valve locations, remove non-required valves, and recreate the geometric network.

To create the publication geodatabase, complete the following steps:

  1. In ArcCatalog, browse to the Tools folder and expand the PublicationGDB.tbx.
  2. Double click the Create Publication GDB geoprocessing model to open the tool.
  3. Update the geoprocessing model parameters for your water network data and the location to save the publication geodatabase. When setting the Output Location, it is recommended that you set this location to the Maps and GDBs folder in the Utility Isolation Trace download. It is also recommended that you keep the default Output GDB Name value. This will ensure that data sources for the IsolationTrace.mxd are not broken when opening the map document.
  4. Run the geoprocessing model.