Geodatabase Documentation
Date: Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Time: 3:27:23 PM
Summary Information and Links
0 Feature Datasets and 10 Feature Classes
No Topology Datasets
No Geometric Networks
No Rasters
1 Table (Object Class)
9 Relationship Classes
6 Domains
Feature Datasets and Child Classes
Workspace-Level Tables and Feature Classes
GDB_ServiceItems - Table
Isolated_Fire_Hydrant - Feature Class
Isolated_Hydrant_Valve - Feature Class
Isolated_Main - Feature Class
Isolated_Service_Connection - Feature Class
Isolated_Service_Valve - Feature Class
Isolated_Services - Feature Class
Isolated_System_Valve - Feature Class
Isolating_System_Valve - Feature Class
Outage_Area - Feature Class
Project_Inputs - Feature Class
Relationship Classes
Isolated_Fire_Hydrant - FeatureClass
Name | Isolated_Fire_Hydrant |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Isolated_Fire_Hydrant |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Isolated_Fire_Hydrant |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
projectid | GUID | 38 | Project Id | projectid | | | true | | |
resolvdate | Date | 8 | Date Resolved | resolvdate | | | true | | |
status | SmallInteger | 2 | Status | status | status | | true | | |
assetid | String | 64 | Asset ID | assetid | | | true | | |
parametername | String | 255 | Parameter Name | parametername | | | true | | |
designtype | String | 16 | Manufacturer | designtype | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
CreationDate | Date | 8 | CreationDate | CreationDate | | | true | | |
Creator | String | 128 | Creator | Creator | | | true | | |
EditDate | Date | 8 | EditDate | EditDate | | | true | | |
Editor | String | 128 | Editor | Editor | | | true | | |
Isolated_Hydrant_Valve - FeatureClass
Name | Isolated_Hydrant_Valve |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Isolated_Hydrant_Valve |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Isolated_Hydrant_Valve |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
projectid | GUID | 38 | Project Id | projectid | | | true | | |
assetid | String | 255 | Asset ID | assetid | | | true | | |
diameter | String | 255 | Diameter | diameter | | | true | | |
designtype | String | 255 | Valve Type | designtype | | | true | | |
status | SmallInteger | 2 | Status | status | status | | true | | |
resolvdate | Date | 8 | Date Resolved | resolvdate | | | false | | |
parametername | String | 255 | Parameter Name | parametername | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
CreationDate | Date | 8 | CreationDate | CreationDate | | | true | | |
Creator | String | 128 | Creator | Creator | | | true | | |
EditDate | Date | 8 | EditDate | EditDate | | | true | | |
Editor | String | 128 | Editor | Editor | | | true | | |
Isolated_Main - FeatureClass
Name | Isolated_Main |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Isolated_Main |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
assettype | String | 30 | Material | assettype | | | true | | |
projectid | GUID | 38 | Project Id | projectid | | | true | | |
resolvdate | Date | 8 | Date Resolved | resolvdate | | | true | | |
status | SmallInteger | 2 | Status | status | | | true | | |
assetid | String | 64 | Asset ID | assetid | | | true | | |
parametername | String | 255 | Parmeter Name | parametername | | | true | | |
diameter | String | 255 | Diameter | diameter | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
CreationDate | Date | 8 | CreationDate | CreationDate | | | true | | |
Creator | String | 128 | Creator | Creator | | | true | | |
EditDate | Date | 8 | EditDate | EditDate | | | true | | |
Editor | String | 128 | Editor | Editor | | | true | | |
Isolated_Service_Connection - FeatureClass
Name | Isolated_Service_Connection |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Isolated_Service_Connection |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Isolated_Service_Connection |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
projectid | GUID | 38 | Project Id | projectid | | | true | | |
resolvdate | Date | 8 | Date Resolved | resolvdate | | | true | | |
status | SmallInteger | 2 | Status | status | status | | true | | |
assetid | String | 64 | Asset ID | assetid | | | true | | |
parametername | String | 255 | Parameter Name | parametername | | | true | | |
assettype | String | 30 | Material | assettype | | | true | | |
additionaldetails | String | 7 | Critical | additionaldetails | | | true | | |
accountid | String | 255 | Account ID | accountid | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
CreationDate | Date | 8 | CreationDate | CreationDate | | | true | | |
Creator | String | 128 | Creator | Creator | | | true | | |
EditDate | Date | 8 | EditDate | EditDate | | | true | | |
Editor | String | 128 | Editor | Editor | | | true | | |
Isolated_Service_Valve - FeatureClass
Name | Isolated_Service_Valve |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Isolated_Service_Valve |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Isolated_Service_Valve |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
projectid | GUID | 38 | Project Id | projectid | | | true | | |
resolvdate | Date | 8 | Date Resolved | resolvdate | | | true | | |
status | SmallInteger | 2 | Status | status | status | | true | | |
assetid | String | 64 | Asset ID | assetid | | | true | | |
parametername | String | 255 | Parameter Name | parametername | | | true | | |
diameter | String | 255 | Diameter | diameter | | | true | | |
designtype | String | 255 | Valve Type | designtype | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
CreationDate | Date | 8 | CreationDate | CreationDate | | | true | | |
Creator | String | 128 | Creator | Creator | | | true | | |
EditDate | Date | 8 | EditDate | EditDate | | | true | | |
Editor | String | 128 | Editor | Editor | | | true | | |
Isolated_Services - FeatureClass
Name | Isolated_Services |
ShapeType | Polyline |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Isolated_Services |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Isolated_Services |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
assettype | String | 30 | Material | assettype | | | true | | |
projectid | GUID | 38 | Project Id | projectid | | | true | | |
resolvdate | Date | 8 | Date Resolved | resolvdate | | | true | | |
status | SmallInteger | 2 | Status | status | status | | true | | |
assetid | String | 64 | Asset ID | assetid | | | true | | |
parametername | String | 255 | Parameter Name | parametername | | | true | | |
diameter | String | 255 | Diameter | diameter | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
CreationDate | Date | 8 | CreationDate | CreationDate | | | true | | |
Creator | String | 128 | Creator | Creator | | | true | | |
EditDate | Date | 8 | EditDate | EditDate | | | true | | |
Editor | String | 128 | Editor | Editor | | | true | | |
Isolated_System_Valve - FeatureClass
Name | Isolated_System_Valve |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Isolated_System_Valve |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Isolated_System_Valve |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
designtype | String | 9 | Valve Type | designtype | | | true | | |
projectid | GUID | 38 | Project Id | projectid | | | true | | |
resolvdate | Date | 8 | Date Resolved | resolvdate | | | true | | |
status | SmallInteger | 2 | Status | status | status | | true | | |
assetid | String | 64 | Asset ID | assetid | | | true | | |
parametername | String | 255 | Parameter Name | parametername | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
CreationDate | Date | 8 | CreationDate | CreationDate | | | true | | |
Creator | String | 128 | Creator | Creator | | | true | | |
EditDate | Date | 8 | EditDate | EditDate | | | true | | |
Editor | String | 128 | Editor | Editor | | | true | | |
Isolating_System_Valve - FeatureClass
Name | Isolating_System_Valve |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Isolating_System_Valve |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Isolating_System_Valve |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
designtype | String | 9 | Valve Type | designtype | | | true | | |
projectid | GUID | 38 | Project Id | projectid | | | true | | |
resolvdate | Date | 8 | Date Resolved | resolvdate | | | true | | |
status | SmallInteger | 2 | Status | status | status | | true | | |
assetid | String | 64 | Asset ID | assetid | | | true | | |
parametername | String | 255 | Parameter Name | parametername | | | true | | |
diameter | String | 255 | Diameter | diameter | | | true | | |
normalstatus | String | 255 | Normal Status | normalstatus | | | true | | |
presentstatus | String | 255 | Present Status | presentstatus | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
CreationDate | Date | 8 | CreationDate | CreationDate | | | true | | |
Creator | String | 128 | Creator | Creator | | | true | | |
EditDate | Date | 8 | EditDate | EditDate | | | true | | |
Editor | String | 128 | Editor | Editor | | | true | | |
Outage_Area - FeatureClass
Name | Outage_Area |
ShapeType | Polygon |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Outage_Area |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
name | String | 100 | Project Name | name | | | true | | |
outstart | Date | 8 | Outage Start Time | outstart | | | true | | |
outfinish | Date | 8 | Estimated Outage Completed | outfinish | | | true | | |
outtype | SmallInteger | 2 | Outage Type | outtype | outagetype | | true | | |
plantype | SmallInteger | 2 | Plan Type | plantype | plantype | | true | | |
custout | SmallInteger | 2 | Customers out of Service | custout | | | true | | |
leakcause | SmallInteger | 2 | Leak Cause | leakcause | leakcause | | true | | |
repairtype | SmallInteger | 2 | Repair Type | repairtype | repairtype | | true | | |
gallost | Integer | 2 | Gallons Lost | gallost | | | true | | |
resolvdate | Date | 8 | Date Resolved | resolvdate | | | true | | |
Comments | String | 255 | Comments | Comments | | | true | | |
status | SmallInteger | 2 | Status | status | status | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
sharepublicly | SmallInteger | 2 | Share Publicly | sharepublicly | truefalse | | true | | |
CreationDate | Date | 8 | CreationDate | CreationDate | | | true | | |
Creator | String | 128 | Creator | Creator | | | true | | |
EditDate | Date | 8 | EditDate | EditDate | | | true | | |
Editor | String | 128 | Editor | Editor | | | true | | |
Project_Inputs - FeatureClass
Name | Project_Inputs |
ShapeType | Point |
FeatureType | Simple |
AliasName | Project_Inputs |
HasM | false |
HasZ | false |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | Project_Inputs |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
INPUTTYPE | String | 20 | Input Type | INPUTTYPE | | | true | | |
projectid | GUID | 38 | Project Id | projectid | | | true | | |
GlobalID | GlobalID | 38 | GlobalID | GlobalID | | | false | | |
CreationDate | Date | 8 | CreationDate | CreationDate | | | true | | |
Creator | String | 128 | Creator | Creator | | | true | | |
EditDate | Date | 8 | EditDate | EditDate | | | true | | |
Editor | String | 128 | Editor | Editor | | | true | | |
GDB_ServiceItems - Table
Name | GDB_ServiceItems |
AliasName | GDB_ServiceItems |
HasAttachments | false |
Description | GDB_ServiceItems |
Field | DataType | Length | AliasName | Description | Domain | DefaultValue | IsNullable | Precision | Scale |
ItemType | SmallInteger | 2 | ItemType | ItemType | | | false | | |
ItemInfo | String | 100000000 | ItemInfo | ItemInfo | | | false | | |
ItemId | Integer | 4 | ItemId | ItemId | | | false | | |
DatasetName | String | 1024 | DatasetName | DatasetName | | | false | | |
AdvancedDrawingInfo | String | 100000000 | AdvancedDrawingInfo | AdvancedDrawingInfo | | | true | | |
Isolated_Fire_Hydrant - RelationshipClass
Name | Isolated_Fire_Hydrant |
Cardinality | OneToMany |
IsAttributed | false |
IsComposite | true |
Description | Isolated_Fire_Hydrant |
Origin Class Name | Origin Primary Key | Origin Foreign Key |
Outage_Area | GlobalID | projectid |
Destination Class Name | Destination Primary Key | Destination Foreign Key |
Isolated_Fire_Hydrant | | |
Isolated_Hydrant_Valve - RelationshipClass
Name | Isolated_Hydrant_Valve |
Cardinality | OneToMany |
IsAttributed | false |
IsComposite | true |
Description | Isolated_Hydrant_Valve |
Origin Class Name | Origin Primary Key | Origin Foreign Key |
Outage_Area | GlobalID | projectid |
Destination Class Name | Destination Primary Key | Destination Foreign Key |
Isolated_Hydrant_Valve | | |
Isolated_Main - RelationshipClass
Name | Isolated_Main |
Cardinality | OneToMany |
IsAttributed | false |
IsComposite | true |
Origin Class Name | Origin Primary Key | Origin Foreign Key |
Outage_Area | GlobalID | projectid |
Destination Class Name | Destination Primary Key | Destination Foreign Key |
Isolated_Main | | |
Isolated_Service_Connection - RelationshipClass
Name | Isolated_Service_Connection |
Cardinality | OneToMany |
IsAttributed | false |
IsComposite | true |
Description | Isolated_Service_Connection |
Origin Class Name | Origin Primary Key | Origin Foreign Key |
Outage_Area | GlobalID | projectid |
Destination Class Name | Destination Primary Key | Destination Foreign Key |
Isolated_Service_Connection | | |
Isolated_Service_Valve - RelationshipClass
Name | Isolated_Service_Valve |
Cardinality | OneToMany |
IsAttributed | false |
IsComposite | true |
Description | Isolated_Service_Valve |
Origin Class Name | Origin Primary Key | Origin Foreign Key |
Outage_Area | GlobalID | projectid |
Destination Class Name | Destination Primary Key | Destination Foreign Key |
Isolated_Service_Valve | | |
Isolated_Services - RelationshipClass
Name | Isolated_Services |
Cardinality | OneToMany |
IsAttributed | false |
IsComposite | true |
Description | Isolated_Services |
Origin Class Name | Origin Primary Key | Origin Foreign Key |
Outage_Area | GlobalID | projectid |
Destination Class Name | Destination Primary Key | Destination Foreign Key |
Isolated_Services | | |
Isolated_System_Valve - RelationshipClass
Name | Isolated_System_Valve |
Cardinality | OneToMany |
IsAttributed | false |
IsComposite | true |
Description | Isolated_System_Valve |
Origin Class Name | Origin Primary Key | Origin Foreign Key |
Outage_Area | GlobalID | projectid |
Destination Class Name | Destination Primary Key | Destination Foreign Key |
Isolated_System_Valve | | |
Isolating_System_Valve - RelationshipClass
Name | Isolating_System_Valve |
Cardinality | OneToMany |
IsAttributed | false |
IsComposite | true |
Description | Isolating_System_Valve |
Origin Class Name | Origin Primary Key | Origin Foreign Key |
Outage_Area | GlobalID | projectid |
Destination Class Name | Destination Primary Key | Destination Foreign Key |
Isolating_System_Valve | | |
Project_Inputs - RelationshipClass
Name | Project_Inputs |
Cardinality | OneToMany |
IsAttributed | false |
IsComposite | true |
Description | Project_Inputs |
Origin Class Name | Origin Primary Key | Origin Foreign Key |
Outage_Area | GlobalID | projectid |
Destination Class Name | Destination Primary Key | Destination Foreign Key |
Project_Inputs | | |
leakcause - Domain
DomainName | leakcause |
FieldType | SmallInteger |
Domain Type | CodedValue |
Code | Name |
0 | N/A |
1 | Joint-Leadite |
2 | Crack Around |
3 | Longitudinal (Split) |
4 | Cement Blow-Out |
5 | Cement Joint |
6 | Cement To Iron Joint |
7 | Joint-Lead |
8 | Blow Hole |
9 | AC Joint |
10 | Hit By Contractor |
11 | Valve (Repair/Replace) |
12 | Service (Repair/Replace) |
13 | Mechanical (Corp/Bolt/Saddle) |
14 | Hydrant(Repair/Replace) |
15 | Pushed Fitting (Tee/Bend/Offset) |
16 | Air Vent |
17 | Blow Off |
18 | Abandoned Service |
19 | Joint-Ductile |
20 | Cut & Plug |
21 | Cut Out Section |
22 | Other |
outagetype - Domain
DomainName | outagetype |
FieldType | SmallInteger |
Domain Type | CodedValue |
Code | Name |
0 | Main Break |
1 | Boil Water Advisory |
2 | Do Not Consume |
3 | Hydrant Flushing |
4 | Valve Maintenance |
5 | Voluntary Restrictions |
6 | Mandatory Restirctions |
plantype - Domain
DomainName | plantype |
FieldType | SmallInteger |
Domain Type | CodedValue |
Code | Name |
0 | Planned |
1 | Unplanned |
repairtype - Domain
DomainName | repairtype |
FieldType | SmallInteger |
Domain Type | CodedValue |
Code | Name |
0 | N/A |
1 | Replace Pipe Section |
2 | Repair Clamp |
3 | Recaulk Joint |
4 | Tighten/Replace Botls/Saddle/Corp |
5 | Renewal |
6 | Repair/Replace/Hydrant |
7 | Repair/Replace/Valve |
8 | Repair/Replace/Blow Off |
9 | Plug |
10 | Other |
status - Domain
DomainName | status |
FieldType | SmallInteger |
Domain Type | CodedValue |
Code | Name |
0 | Being Evaluated |
1 | Open |
2 | Resolved |
truefalse - Domain
DomainName | truefalse |
FieldType | SmallInteger |
Domain Type | CodedValue |