DZ Suitable Areas Tool

The DZ Suitable Areas tool analyzes obstacle, slope, and vegetation data within a designated area to identify suitable drop zones.

To calculate a new suitable drop zone, identify the following:

  1. Area of Interest - This feature defines the area within which the tool calculates the drop zone.
    • Select a polygon layer from the map, or
    • Draw a polygon using the feature construction tool.
  2. Input Slope - The slope raster to be used to determine the slope component of DZ suitability.
    • Select the slope layer that is in the map, or
    • Browse to an slope raster.
  3. Input Combine Vegetation Coverage - The features that define the combined vegetation and land cover types, used to find area with suitable vegetation coverage for drop zones.
    • Select the landcover layer that is in the map, or
    • Browse to an combine vegetation coverage vector.
  4. Obstructions (optional) - An optional set of feature classes that represent obstructions. These areas will be considered unsuitable for a drop zone.
    • Select the obstructions layer that is in the map, or
    • Browse to an obstructions vector.
  5. Output Feature Class - Drop Zone Suitability - The output feature class showing terrain suitability for drop zones.

