Set up the template with sample data

This section will set up the Military Aspects of Weather template and the supplied sample data. The template should be extracted to C:\ for this workflow to function as designed. If this is not the case, please refer to the section entitled Set up the template in a different location.

  1. Open OperationalWeather.mxd from (location)\MilitaryAspectsofWeather.
  2. Open the Time Slider window.
  3. netCDF4 must be installed in order to download new up-to-date data.
      • To install netCDF4 access the (location)\MilitaryAspectsofWeather\Tools\MST_Install folder and run the netCDF4-1.0.4.win32-py2.7.exe file.
      • Click run when prompted.
      • The Multidimensional Supplemental Tools are located at (location)\MilitaryAspectsofWeather\Tools\MultidimensionSupplementalTools.
  4. A scheduled task must be set up to run the script required to download new data at the correct intervals.
      • Open Task Scheduler.
      • Set up a scheduled task to run the NAMDownloadbatch.bat file found in (location)\MilitaryAspectsofWeather\Scripts every 6 hours as a user who has write access to the install location of the MilitaryAspectsofWeather folder.

The data should be published as an Image Service to make full use of the sample data.
