Weather forecast variables

The sample data contains the following the weather variables. The variables have been downloaded from the NOAA website from the GFS 0.50 Degree dataset.

Tag Variable
rh2m 2 m above ground relative humidity [%]
tcdcclm entire atmosphere total cloud cover [%]
tmpsfc surface temperature [k]
hgtclb height of cloud base (ft)
vissfc Surface Visibility (ft)
ugrd10m 10 m above ground u-component of wind [m/s]
vgrd10m 10 m above ground v-component of wind [m/s]
ugrdmwl max wind u-component of wind [m/s]
vgrdmwl max wind v-component of wind [m/s]
snodsfc surface snow depth [m]
gustsfc surface wind speed (gust) [m/s]
apcpsfc surface total precipitation [kg/m^2]

For more information on the GFS 0.50 Degree dataset, please go here.
