Attribute Assistant release notes

Below are the release dates and notes for Attribute Assistant.

Date Description
January 2018
  • A beta capability to resolve a bug in which non-unique IDs were generated during concurrent bulk editing operations when working in a multi-user environment in an enterprise geodatabase. (NIM100667 and BUG-000109908)
  • A resolution to an issue in which the Get Address method would incorrectly append all returned values and not the matched address.
  • An enhancement to honor definition expressions on the lookup table when validating attribute lookup.
  • A resolution to a bug in which Previous Value method would not honor changes in the second field. (BUG-000108504)
  • A resolution to a bug in which the search tolerance would change based on scale using the Intersecting Feature method. (BUG-000107033)
  • A resolution to a bug in which the Link Table Asset method would fail when updating a dimension feature class when the value method is set to run on manual. (BUG-000109255)
  • A new configuration parameter to specify the last value array is cleared when an edit session has ended.
  • A new configuration parameter to automatically turn Attribute Assistant on when you start an edit session.
  • An enhancement to the Copy Features method to allow the source field to be a copied value.
  • An enhancement to the Intersecting Features method to select the feature with the highest Object ID when one layer is defined in the value information.
  • An enhancement to trigger On Change Geometry when a feature is split.
  • An enhancement to the Field Trigger method to support setting null values.
  • An enhancement to the Last Value method to bypass changing the last value array when a line is split.
  • An enhancement to the Create Linked Record method to use a value prior to the edit and not the edit value.
  • An enhancement to the Create Related Record method to create a new record only when a field is changed.
  • An enhancement to the Expression method to expose and option to access the last value of a field that has changed.
  • An enhancement to the Create Linked Record method to support setting a value.
March 2017
  • An enhancement to the Attribute Assistant methods to include the following new rules:
  • A resolution to a bug where the Copy Linked Record method would not work when the Primary and Foreign keys were GUID or GlobalID. (Issue 102)
  • An enhancement to the Intersecting Feature method, which adds additional search methods to prompt for the start and end of the line or centroid. (Issue 129)
  • A resolution to a bug where the Autonumber method would not work with tables. (Issue 141)
  • An enhancement to the configuration file that adds options for custom GenerateID table field names. (Issue 142)
  • An enhancement to the configuration file that adds an option for quicker deletion of features. (Issue 143)
  • An enhancement to the Validate Attribute Lookup method to allow for the value in a field to be cleared by canceling the dialog box. (Issue 152)
  • A resolution to a bug where the Validate Attribute Lookup method would not work when the lookup table values contained pipe characters. (Issue 153)
  • A resolution to a bug where the Junction Rotation method would overwrite existing values if no feature was found. (Issue 154)
  • An enhancement to the Value Info field to support spaces between pipe separators. (Issue 162)
  • A resolution to a bug where the Junction Rotation method would not work with simple features. (Issue 170)
  • A resolution to a bug where the prompt dialog box would not resize properly. (Issue 183)
  • An enhancement to provide a dialog box when enabling Attribute Assistant and the DynamicValue table is missing. (Issue 185)
  • An enhancement to the Nearest Feature Attributes method to not override existing values when no feature can be found. An optional parameter, Reset to Default, has been added. (ENH-000098013)
  • A resolution to a bug where the Feature Statistics method would not work on tables. (BUG-000097958)
  • A resolution to a bug where config files in nested folders were not properly being loaded. (BUG-000100417)
  • A resolution to a bug where using a comma as the radix would cause truncation. (BUG-000100776)
  • A resolution to a bug where the change attribute rules would trigger on geometric network connections. (BUG-000101998)
July 2016
  • A resolution to a bug with the Run Manual Rules tool which caused the tool to fail when updating selected features.
June 2016
February 2016
  • A resolution to a bug with the Junction Rotation method which caused the incorrect angle when using the Special parameter. (Issue 87)
  • A resolution to a bug with Attribute Assistant that caused the rules to fail with parcel fabric records when GlobalID field is present. (Issue 71)
  • A resolution to a bug with the Update Linked Record method involving GUID fields. (BUG-000090971)
  • A resolution to a bug with the Intersect Stats method that caused duplicated values. (Issue 69)
  • Added a new option to the Generate ID by Intersect rule, limiting the creation of a new ID to when the feature value is null.
  • An enhancement to the Create Linked Record to populate default values. (Issue 51)
  • Configuration file name changed to loaded.aa.config. Existing Loaded.config files will be ported to new version automatically.
  • An enhancement to the Intersecting Layer Details method to store the feature class name. (Issue 63)
  • An enhancement to the To Junction Field and From Junction Field method to store the name of the intersecting features class. (Issue 64)
July 2015
  • Added additional comments to the Loaded.config file.
  • Added support for the Parcel Fabric data type.
  • An enhancement that improves the behavior of the GenerateID method in SQL and Oracle databases.
  • An enhancement to the Latitude and Longitude method that adds support for linear features.
  • An enhancement to the Intersecting_Feature method to set value to null if no intersecting feature is found.
  • An enhancement that adds TCase support to the Expression method. (ENH-000085179)
  • An enhancement to the Intersect_stat, Feature_Stats, To_Edge_Stats, From_Edge_Stats, Edge_Stats method that adds the ability to define a delimiter used for concatenating values.
  • An enhancement to the Intersect_stat, Feature_Stats, To_Edge_Stats, From_Edge_Stats, Edge_Stats method that adds the ability to sort the values being stored either ascending or descending order.
December 2014
  • A resolution to a bug with the Nearest_Feature and Nearest Feature methods. (NIM104297)
  • Added a new parameter to Junction_Rotation method; allowing a list of feature class names. (ENH-000081245)
  • Added a new parameter to Create Linked Record method; allowing a list of feature class names.
  • An enhancement to the Length method; geodesic length and area are now computed.
  • A resolution to a bug with the Expression method. (BUG-000080919)
  • A resolution to a bug with the Copy_Linked_Record method. (BUG-000082008 and BUG-000080919)
  • Added a new Loaded.config file that supports Gas Utility solution offerings.
  • The location of the configuration file (Loaded.config) has been changed to a new directory.
June 2014
  • A resolution to a bug causing the flow accumulation tool to include all accumulative flow from all pipes instead of accumulating flow upstream in the gravity pipe. (NIM100021)
  • Fixed error message from appearing during ArcMap shutdown.
  • A resolution to a bug causing the Nearest_Feature method to fail when using point feature classes. (NIM099431)
  • Added a new option to the Generate ID rule, limiting the creation of a new ID to when the feature value is null.
  • Resolved an issue with the Feature Stats and Intersect Stats rule where duplicate values where being added to result when using the Concat statistic.
February 2014
  • A resolution to a low-level crash when using the Summary Isolation Trace tool. (NIM094458)
  • A resolution to bug where the Generate_ID Value Method was changing the attribute values of data when the On Change (Attribute) and the On Change (Geometry) settings are set to False in the DynamicValue table. (NIM093797)
  • The source code for the add-ins is now available on GitHub and is no longer included in the download.
  • This release has been certified with ArcGIS 10.1.1 and 10.1.1 Quality Improvement Patch.
December 2013
  • A resolution to a bug when referencing multiple layers from the intersecting features method and using the prompt method caused only the values from the last layer in the list to populate correctly. (NIM095531)
  • The status update windows have been replaced by a status bar.
  • The new progress bar displays the status of the Attribute Assistant rules.
  • The default location of the log file is now %userprofile%\ArcGISSolutions.
  • The new configurable tag AttributeAssistant_Debug_Path has been added to override the default value of the log file.
  • A resolution to a low-level crash. (NIM094458)
  • A resolution to a bug causing the cascading updates to continue running after canceling the method.
  • The ArcGIS Online geocoding rules have been revised to use the new services.
  • A resolution to an issue with the X_COORDINATE method.
November 2012
  • New functionality in the UPDATE_INTERSECTING_FEATURE method allows users to specify options when running the rule.
  • New functionality in the TIMESTAMP method allows users to specify the date format to store.
  • New functionality in the CREATE_LINKED_RECORDS method allows users to specify the number of related records or a field that lists the count of related records.
  • New functionality in the DynamicValue table allows users to specify whether to execute the methods when a feature's attribute is changed (ON_CHANGE) or when a feature's geometry is changed (ON_CHANGEGEO).
  • Changes to the DynamicValue table schema to support the ON_CHANGE and ON_CHANGEGEO functionality.
  • New functionality in the GenerateID table allows users to specify an increment value for each unique identifier.
  • New functionality in the Attribute Assistant toolbar allows users to execute ON_CREATE and ON_CHANGE rules, load the last value dialog box, and edit the toolbar configuration file.
  • A resolution to a bug that precluded the attribute lookup dialog box from appearing when using a personal geodatabase. (NIM084559)
  • A resolution to a bug that precluded address ranges from being split when Attribute Assistant was turned on. (NIM081647)
  • A resolution to a bug that precluded the database name from being populated correctly when the CURRENT_USER method was set to D. (NIM082561)
  • A resolution to a bug that precluded attribute updates when the cascading attribute dialog box was canceled.
  • The removal of the Attribute Transfer loader. Information is now saved in the map document.