Configure Attribute Assistant

The Attribute Assistant, Address Management, and Water Utility Network Tools Add-Ins are preconfigured to perform common tasks with data stored in the Local Government Information Model. The behavior of these tools can be modified to work with other datasets or to perform additional functions by modifying the configuration file shared by these three add-ins.

The configuration file (loaded.<type>.config) can be accessed from the add-in's toolbar or by browsing to one of the following directories.

Operating System Directory
Windows Vista, 7, and 8 C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\ArcGISSolutions\ConfigFiles
Windows Server 2008 C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\ArcGISSolutions\ConfigFiles
Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\Application Data\ArcGISSolutions\ConfigFiles
Windows Server 2003 C:\Documents and Settings\%UserName%\Application Data\ArcGISSolutions\ConfigFiles

Attribute Assistant Configuration

The Attribute Assistant Add-In can also be configured to work with your data. To configure the Attribute Assistant, open the Loaded.config file and set the following parameters.

Enable Attribute Assistant

To enable the Attribute Assistant automatically when a map document containing the Dynamic Value table is opened, set the AttributeAssistant_EnabledOnStartUp key value to True.

Dynamic Value Table

The Attribute Assistant methods are recorded in the Dynamic Value table. To use a table with a different name, set the AttributeAssistant_TableName key value to your table name.

Generate ID Table

The Attribute Assistant uses the Generate ID table to generate unique identifiers. To use a table with a different name, set the AttributeAssistant_GenerateId_TableName key value to your table name.

Log File

The Attribute Assistant can record a log file of any errors found while processing the Attribute Assistant methods. Enabling this functionality will save the log file to the default location youruserprofile\ArcGISSolutions. By default, this functionality is turned off (value = "false"). To enable the log file, set the AttributeAssistant_Debug key value to True.

Log File Path

The location of the Attribute Assistant log file can also be saved in a different location on your computer. To save the log file in a different location, set the AttributeAssistant_Debug_Path key value to your location.

Last Value

The Attribute Assistant Last Value method repeats the last value entered into a field for all new features. To reset this value when the Attribute Assistant is disabled and re-enabled, set the AttributeAssistant_ClearLastValue key value to True.

Intersecting Features

The Attribute Assistant Intersecting Features method copies a value from a feature to an intersecting feature in a specified layer. By default, the outline of the feature is used to identify intersecting features. To use the envelope of the feature, set the AttributeAssistant_CheckEnvelope key value to True.

Geocoding Service

The Attribute Assistant Get Address Using an ArcGIS Online Service method uses the TA_Streets_US_10 geocoding service by default. To change the geocoding service, set the Geocoder key value to your locator's REST Endpoint URL.
