Set up map

The Target Hazard Analysis solution includes a multiscale editing map and set of tools for identifying properties within a community that could result in a loss of life, or have a negative impact on the community, if a fire or other emergency were to occur. Before you begin using the Target Hazard Analysis map, open the Local Government toolbox so you can access the Target Hazard Mapping tools.

To access the Target Hazard Analysis tools, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the TargetHazardAnalysis.mxd.
  2. In ArcMap, open the Catalog window, browse to the MapsandGeodatabase\LocalGovernment.tbx\Target Hazard Mapping toolset.
  3. Begin using the map.

When you're ready to use the map with your data, start by downloading the ArcGIS for Local Government Information Model. It can be used to create the empty geodatabase you'll need to migrate your data.
