Create group

The Best Management Practice Annual Report application leverages ArcGIS Online groups contained in the ArcGIS Online for State Government solution. Create the group below, enable it for Open Data, then share your annual report summary services with this group.

Create your Agriculture Open Data group

To create the Agriculture Open Data group, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Online organization as an Administrator.
  2. If necessary, first enable open data for your organization.
  3. Create the following group in your ArcGIS Online organization.
    Details Icon

    Owner: State Government administrator account

    Group Name: Agriculture Open Data

    Summary: A collections of data, maps, and apps used to communicate information about Best Management Practice and other programs provided by the Department of Agriculture.

    Tags: Agriculture, Best Management Practices, Water Policy, <your agency's acronym such as DACS>

    Who can view this group: Everyone (public)

    Who can join this group: Only those invited by a group manager

    Who can contribute content to the group: Only group owner and managers

    Sort group content by: Title and Ascending

    Open Data: Allow this group to be accessed in Open Data sites.

  4. Share services, maps, and applications which communicate about activities of the Department of Agriculture for your organization and constituents into this group, such as the Best Management Practice Dashboard.