Additional configuration

General settings

The application title, icon, theme, and splash window content can be changed by modifying the following parameters:

Parameter Description
ApplicationName Title of the application. This title displays at the top of the application.
ApplicationIcon Icon displayed in the upper left corner of the application.
SplashScreenMessage Message displayed when the application starts.
// Set application title
ApplicationName:"My Health Facilities",

// Set application icon path

// Set splash window content - Message that appears when the application starts
SplashScreen: {
     Message:My Health Facility Information: The Health Facility Information application helps constituents discover health facility locations that exist in their community and obtain information about services provided. To locate an area of interest, simply enter an address in the search box, or use your current location. Your location will then be highlighted on the map and relevant evacuation and facility information will be presented to the user.


Basemap settings

The REST endpoints for the Canvas and Streets basemaps are provided, but these URLs can be replaced with the REST endpoints for other basemaps. All basemaps listed must use the same spatial reference system. By default, the first basemap is visible when the application loads.

Parameter Description
MapURL REST endpoint for a cached or tiled map service


Default extent

Define the geographic area visible in your application when it initially loads.

Parameter Description
DefaultExtent Initial map extent in the application.
// Initial map extent. Use a comma (,) to separate values and don't delete the last comma
DefaultExtent:"-9991781.18961914, 4083344.0852194074, -9160146.321876464, 4494881.045506775",


Info-popup settings

The Info-popup is a pop-up dialog box displayed when a feature is selected.

Parameter Description
InfoWindowHeader Title of the info-window
// Info-popup is a popup dialog that gets displayed on selecting a feature

//Field for Displaying the features as info window header.
InfoWindowHeader: "FACTYPE",


Info-popup content

Use the following tags to configure the pop-up content:

Parameter Description
FieldName Field containing information about the health facility.
DisplayText Label for the FieldName value
// Set the content to display on the info-Popup. Define labels, field values, field types, and field formats
InfoPopupFieldsCollection: [{{


Functions and formatting

Use the following tags to define the functions and formatting of the info-popup window:

Parameter Description
InfoPopupHeight Maximum height of the info-popup window in pixels
InfoPopupWidth Maximum width of the info-popup window in pixels
ShowNullValueAs String value to show for null or blank field values
// Set size of the info-Popup - select maximum height and width in pixels (not applicable for tabbed info-Popup)
InfoPopupHeight: 270,
InfoPopupWidth: 330,

// Set string value to show for null or blank values


Address search settings

By default, the application is configured to use ArcGIS Online. To use your own geolocator or to modify location-related parameters such as the default search address, modify the following parameters:

Parameter Description
DisplayText Label used for address search box
DefaultAddress Default search address
Locator Parameters Name of locator fields
LocatorURL URL for locator service.
DisplayText:"Search Address",

DefaultValue:"2600 Bull Street, Columbia,SC 29201",



Driving Directions Settings

Use the following to set up driving directions:

Parameter Description
RouteServiceURL URL for the routing service.
RouteColor Value to set the color of the route drawn.
RouteWidth Numeric value for width of route.
SearchforDirections Enable or disable directions.


Infopod settings

Use the following to set up info pods on bottom panel:

Parameter Description
Name Label for pod.
Image Image filename for pod.
HasRendererImage True/False value for using layer renderer or image to show features.
ServiceURL URL for facility service.
distance Buffer distance (in miles) used to select facilities.
FieldNames Array of field names used to populate information about the facility.
//Operational layer collection.
Hospice: {
    Name:"Hospice Care",
    FieldNames: [{ 
     FieldName: "NAME"
    }, {
     FieldName: "ADDRESS"
    }, {
     FieldName: "FACILITYPHONE"

