Create map

ArcGIS Web AppBuilder application consumes maps that are accessible to the general public and named users in your ArcGIS organization. Create a Restaurant Inspection Results map and share it with citizens you serve. They can then access the application on their smartphone, tablets, and desktop computers.

Restaurant Inspection Results map

To create an Restaurant Inspection Results map, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Create a map to display restaurant inspection locations, by completing the following workflow:
    • Choose a basemap
    • Add the RestaurantInspections_public layer view to the map.
    • Configure pop-up for the RestaurantInspections_public layer using a custom attribute display option.
    • Save the map as Restaurant Inspection Results add the following tags and enter a summary:
      • Tags: Restaurant Inspection Results, Restaurant Inspection, Health, Health and Human Services.
      • Summary: A map used in the Restaurant Inspection Results application to help citizens view information about restaurant inspections in the state.
  3. Share the map with everyone.
  4. Browse to the map and edit the item details:
    • Thumbnail image: Your image.
    • Description: A map used in the Restaurant Inspection Results application to help citizens view information about restaurant inspections in the state.