Share your military overlay as a Web Layer using ArcGIS Enterprise.
To share your overlay as a web layer, complete the following steps:
- Make sure you have installed ArcGIS Enterprise
- In ArcGIS Pro, make sure you are connected to the portal where you will share your overlay.
- To add a portal to your project, navigate to Manage Portals.
- You can also navigate to the Switch Active Portals tab if multiple portals are connected to the project.
- If you do not have an enterprise geodatabase as part of your instance of ArcGIS Enterprise, you need to run the Create Enterprise Geodatabase tool.
- Alternatively, you can publish a Map Image service directly from your file geodatabase so you can view your features in the web. You will not, however, be able to edit this service. To do this, skip to the Note under step 7.
- Connect to the folder that contains your enterprise geodatabase. Right-click on it and choose Add to Project. Navigate to Databases in the Project pane, Copy the Military Overlay feature dataset from your file geodatabase and Paste it in your enterprise geodatabase.
- Change the data source from your file geodatabase to your newly copied feature layers in the enterprise geodatabase. In the Contents pane, right click on each feature layer. Under Properties, select Change Data Source. Here, you will be able to match each feature layer with the copies in the enterprise geodatabase.
- Select Share as Web Layer in the Share tab.
- Under Data, select Reference Registered Data to ensure the enterprise geodatabase will be shared.
- Under Layer Type, select both Feature and Map Image
- Navigate to the Configuration tab and click on the edit button next to the Feature layer. This will take you to Feature Properties. To enable full editing capabilities, check the Apply Default to Features with Z Values button.
- Exit Feature Properties, navigate back to the General tab, and update your Item Description and Sharing Options.
- Click Analyze, and then Publish if no warnings arise.
- Navigate to your Portal for ArcGIS in a web browser. Under My Content, the items you just published should be listed.
- To view and edit your overlay in a Web Map Viewer:
- First, add the Feature layer to the map.
- Then, add the Map Image layer to the map.
- Edit your overlay in the web map viewer and save it as a web map, or turn it into a web application. Once you select the Edit tab in the web viewer, you will be able to open symbol pop-ups where you can edit the attribute-based symbology. You can also easily add, delete, and move features.