Explore the project

The Community Resilience solution includes an ArcGIS Pro project and data you can use to explore the workflows. Before running the tools with your data, familiarize yourself with the contents of the project.

To explore the Community Resilience project, complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to the MapsandGeodatabase folder and open the CommunityResilience.aprx.
  2. Click on the View tab and then open the Project pane.
  3. In the Project pane, expand the project Databases and review the sample schema provided with the project.
  4. In the Project pane, expand the Tasks folder, then double click the Assessing Resilience task. This will open the task window so you can begin exploring the task workflows.
  5. Click on the Map tab and review the contents of the map.
  6. Select a workflow from the Tasks pane to begin.