This item has been moved to mature support. Please see What's new for more information.


Administrative Area Data Management can be used to maintain an authoritative inventory of administrative areas (geopolitical areas, school districts and attendance zones, public safety districts, and service boundaries).

It streamlines the collection, maintenance, and use of authoritative administrative area information. that fundamentally define geopolitical responsibilities and federal funding allocations; how education dollars are allocated and where children attend school; who responds to a 911 call; and organize other services delivered by government agencies.

Typically, this information is managed by local governments and used extensively to manage local government operations. Aggregating this data in to larger geographies (county, state, or federal) helps organizations address emergency response and census administration needs.


To deploy Administrative Area Data Management with the ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool requires specific software.

Requirement Description
Solution deployment and map authoring
  • ArcGIS Pro 2.5 and later (Basic, Standard, or Advanced)
Solution hosting
  • ArcGIS Online, or
  • ArcGIS Enterprise

What you get

When you download Administrative Area Data Management, you'll find the following files:

Item Description
AdministrativeAreaDataManagement.ppkx An ArcGIS Pro project package used to inventory and maintain administrative areas.

What's new

Below are the release dates and notes for Administrative Area Data Management.

Date Description
June 2021
  • Administrative Area Data Management has moved to mature support.
March 2019
  • The Electoral map has been removed from Administrative Area Data Management and replaced with a new Election Data Management ArcGIS Pro project delivered in the Election Management and Election Outreach solutions.
June 2018
  • Administrative Area Data Management can now be deployed in your ArcGIS organization with the ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool.
  • Administrative Area Data Management no longer uses feature layers as a map layer source. If you implemented a previous version (January 2018 or prior), upgrade to the June 2018 version.
  • A new Planning map has been added to the Administrative Area Data Management project.
  • Most recent LocalGovernment.gdb.
March 2017
  • Most recent LocalGovernment.gdb
June 2016
  • First release of Administrative Area Data Management