October 2023 |
- The capabilities of Crowdsource Manager have been replaced with ArcGIS Instant Apps Manager template.
June 2023 |
- Updated app to use version 3.44 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
February 2023 |
- A fix for a bug that prevented the app from working properly when group layer was used in the map.
- Updated app to use version 3.43 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
November 2022 |
- A fix for a bug that prevented reference layer to show up when the map is created in new map viewer.
- A fix for duplicate domain issue when multiple domains are applied to a field for each different subtype.
- Updated app to use version 3.42 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2022 |
- Added support for filters created with the new Map Viewer.
- A fix to support adding or removing a layers in the new Map Viewer when web map search is enabled.
- Updated app to use version 3.41 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
March 2022 |
- Added support for maps created with the new Map Viewer.
- Updated app to use version 3.40 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
December 2021 |
- A fix to persist the sorting order of the table when OBJECTID is used as sort field.
- Updated app to use version 3.39 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
September 2021 |
- A fix to persist the sorting order of the table after an update is saved.
- A fix to remove extra record selection when selecting multiple records at the same time.
- Updated app to use version 3.38 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2021 |
- A fix for BUG-000133477 to improve app security by updating the JQuery library version.
- Updated app to use version 3.37 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
April 2021 |
- Enhanced the refresh functionality of the app to only update when a feature or attibute is updated in the layer.
- Updated app to use version 3.36 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
December 2020 |
- A fix for BUG-000133477 to improve app security by updating the JQuery library version.
- Added configuration option to support the reset of existing filters and selections when using the refresh button.
- Enhanced app to support the refresh interval of the web map.
- Added Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge Legacy browser deprecation message.
- Updated app to use version 3.35 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
September 2020 |
- Enhanced the performance of the Select All button when accessing a large number of features.
- Replaced the search button with a search textbox.
- Updated app to use version 3.34 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2020 |
- Added support for interactive selection of multiple records using shift+click.
- Added button to select all records and clear selected records.
- Updated app to use version 3.33 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
March 2020 |
- Updated app to use version 3.32 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
December 2019 |
- Updated app to use version 3.31 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
September 2019 |
- Updated app to use version 3.30 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2019 |
- Updated app to use version 3.29 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
March 2019 |
- Application now honors detailed editing settings, such as the option for editors to only edit the features they created.
- Added a configurable option to support adding and removing attachments from features.
- Added a configurable option to support exporting the attributes of the currently selected rows to a CSV file.
- Updated app to use version 3.28 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
December 2018 |
- Updated app to use version 3.27 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2018 |
- Updated app to use version 3.26 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
April 2018 |
- A fix for BUG-000110591 to improve search results from layers with sets of filters.
- A fix for an issue with writing default values to fields not exposed for editing.
- An enhancement to support filtering on values that contain apostrophes.
- Updated app to use version 3.24 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
December 2017 |
- Added the ability to build a URL that links directly to a record in Manager.
- Added the ability to see pop-up information for non-editable layers.
- Added configuration options to display a basemap toggle and a legend in the map area.
- Updated app to use version 3.23 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
September 2017 |
- A fix for BUG-000101689 to correct the display of subtype-dependent fields.
- A fix for BUG-000105122 to display layers that do not have an OBJECTID field.
- Updated app to use version 3.22 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2017 |
- A fix for BUG-000102143 to correct the display of the number of currently selected records.
- A fix for BUG-000102247 to improve support for layers with visibility ranges.
- Added support for layer that have Update, but not Add, capabilities.
- Updated app to use version 3.21 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
March 2017 |
- Support for shared theme
- Added support for feature collections as reference layers.
- Added a configurable option to display the details, media, or related record panel first upon selecting a record.
- Updated app to use version 3.20 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
December 2016 |
- A fix for BUG-000100542 to improve how the app behaves with subtypes and integer coded domain values that use the value 0.
- A fix for BUG-000099365 to allow editing record in related table layers that have a Global ID field.
- A fix for BUG-000099306 to display the correct icons for different attachment file types.
- Filters on the comment table are now honored to facilitate comment moderation.
- Updated app to use version 3.19 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
September 2016 |
- Added the ability to create related records (submit comments), and to include attachments with those new related records.
- Changed the behavior when selecting features on the map to allow selection of stacked features. Now all features at or near to the selection location will be selected, or will be added to the current selection with the CTRL key is pressed.
- Hyperlinked images and videos now display int he media panel.
- Addressed several image caption display issues in the media panel.
- Fixed a bug where the favicon displayed in the browser was always the application logo.
- Updated app to use version 3.18 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
June 2016 |
- Ability to update attributes for multiple features by holding down the CTRL key and clicking multiple features in the table or map.
- Ability to filter the map and table by attribute values using the Ask for Value filters set in the map.
- Ability to filter the map and table by time using the time slider settings configured in the map.
- Added a configuration option to enable display of uneditable layers along with each editable layer.
- Added support for maps with multi-layer basemaps.
- Added the ability to edit attributes of related records.
- Added a media display panel for images and charts that are attached to each record.
- Updated app to use version 3.17 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
February 2016 |
- Simplified app interface when working with a single map and a single layer.
- Improved support for right-to-left languages.
- Added ability to display related records using the pop-up configuration of the related layer.
- Updated to use version 3.16 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
November 2015 |
- Fixed a bug that was causing dates to be displayed in the incorrect format.
- Updated to use version 3.15 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
September 2015 |
- Removed the horizontal constraint on the app logo.
- App state (table view, map view) is maintained on app refresh.
July 2015 |
- A series of enhancements and improvements to the user interface.
- An enhancement to the table removing geographic filtering.
- An enhancement to allow the application to be accessed from a public URL.
- Updated to use version 3.14 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
February 2015 |
- First release of Crowdsource Manager
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