Host on your web server

Crowdsource Reporter can also be hosted on your organization's Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) web server. To host Crowdsource Reporter on your web server, complete the following steps:

  1. Download and unzip the Crowdsource Reporter application.
  2. Copy the contents to your web server so it can be accessed as a website or virtual directory. In Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), the default web server directory is <your directory>\Inetpub\wwwroot\.
  3. Browse to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  4. Right-click the web server directory folder for the application and choose Convert to Application.
  5. Choose the ASP.NET v4.0 or ASP.NET v4.5 application pool and click OK.
  6. Open the configuration file (\config\defaults.js) and provide the ID for an ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, or ArcGIS Enterprise group in the "group": "" tag. The group ID can be found in the URL for the group.
  7. Use the following parameters to configure the application:
    Parameter Use

    "group": ""

    ID for the group that contains the maps to display in the application. This GUID can be found in the URL of the group.

    "theme": ""

    Color scheme for the app.

    "applicationName": ""

    Name of the application.

    "applicationIcon": ""

    Icon shown in the top left corner of application.

    "applicationFavicon": ""

    Change the favicon shown in the browser tab where the application is loaded.

    "signInSubtitle": ""

    Text displayed below title on the splash page.

    "signInBackgroundImage": ""

    Background image for splash page. Recommended dimensions are 640 x 960 px.

    "searchedAddressPushpinImage": ""

    Graphic that marks the location of a searched address

    "enableGuestAccess": ""

    Set to true to allow users to access the application without providing any credentials.

    "enableFacebook": ""

    This option has been deprecated and should remain set to false.

    "enableTwitter": ""

    This option has been deprecated and should remain set to false

    "enableGoogleplus": ""

    This option has been deprecated and should remain set to false.

    "enablePortalLogin": ""

    Set to true to allow users to sign in using their ArcGIS credentials.

    "disableCurrentLocation": ""

    Set to false to prompt users to share their location with the application and set to true to skip this prompt.

    "webMapInfoDescription": ""

    Set to true to show the webmap description in the application.

    "webMapInfoSnippet": ""

    Set to true to show the map summary in the application.

    "webMapInfoOwner": ""

    Set to true to show the map owner's name in the application.

    "webMapInfoCreated": ""

    Set to true to show the map creation date in the application.

    "webMapInfoModified": ""

    Set to true to show the map modification in the application.

    "webMapInfoLicenseInfo": ""

    Set to true to show the map licensing information in the application.

    "webMapInfoAccessInformation": ""

    Set to true to show the map access and use constraints in the application.

    "webMapInfoTags": ""

    Set to true to show the map tags in the application.

    "webMapInfoNumViews": ""

    Set to true to show the number of map views in the application.

    "webMapInfoAvgRating": ""

    Set to true to show the average rating of the map in the application.

    "showNonEditableLayers": ""

    By default, Crowdsource Reporter apps will show only one editable layer at a time. Optionally, choose to also display non-editable map layers for additional context. Only one editable layer is visible at a time, but all non-editable reference layers will display with each editable layer.

    "showPopupForNonEditableLayers": ""

    Display the configured pop-up information for features in the uneditable reference layers. This requires that showNonEditableLayers be true as well.

    "submitMessage": ""

    Message displayed when a report is submitted successfully.

    "submitReportButtonColor": ""

    Color of the Submit a Report button.

    "submitReportButtonText": ""

    Text on the button that opens the submission form.

    "submitReportButtonPosition": ""

    Use the value bottom to position this button below the list of features and the value top to place it at the top of the list of features.

    "likeField": ""

    Integer field that stores the vote count. Field name must be the same across all layers and maps.

    "commentField": ""

    Text field in the comments tables that stores feedback. Field name must be the same across all layers and maps.

    "usePopupConfigurationForComment": ""

    The format of the comment form and the displayed comments can be determined either by specifying a field to display, or by choosing to use the pop-up configuration. If a field name is specified, this setting will apply to all comment tables that are displayed in the application. Choosing to use the pop-up configuration allows you to choose which fields to hide, display, and show in the form for each layer individually.

    "enableFeatureEdit": ""

    Allow ArcGIS authenticated users to edit their submissions. The application must also be configured to store the ID of the authenticated user with each report.

    "enableFeatureDelete": ""

    Allow ArcGIS authenticated users to delete their submissions. The application must also be configured to store the ID of the authenticated user with each report.

    "reportedByField": ""

    To include a user ID with reports submitted by authenticated users, provide the name of a text field where this value should be stored. This information will only be stored on reports submitted to layers that have a field of this name. If a field of that name does not exist in a map, the ID associated with the account will not be recorded for reports submitted in that layer. The benefit to users who sign in to the app is that they can use the My List feature of the application to review, in one place, all the reports they have submitted.

    "locationField": ""

    Optionally, store a text form of the report location. For point layers, the app will first attempt to store a search location. If the search is not used or if a new location is selected on the map the app will attempt to find an address for the report location. If no address is found the coordinates of the location will be stored. For line and polygon features, the app will attempt the same reverse-geocode or coordinate-storing workflow using the first vertex of the drawn location. This location-storing functionality will only be available for layers with a field of the specified (case-sensitive) name.

    "showMapFirst": ""

    When the application is loaded on a smartphone, users will se a list of nearby reports with an option to toggle to a map view. Alternatively, choose to load the map view of the reports first, with an option to toggle to the list view.

    "showHelpOnLoad": ""

    Choose to display the in-app help window as a splash screen once users have signed in to the app.

    "details": ""

    Choose where the report details section should appear on the submission form - Top, Middle, or Bottom.

    "attachments": ""

    Choose where the attachments section should appear on the submission form - Top, Middle, or Bottom.

    "location": ""

    Choose where the location section should appear on the submission form - Top, Middle, or Bottom.

    "zoomLevel": ""

    Set the zoom level to which the map should zoom when a record is selected from the table. Specify how near (larger number) or far (smaller number) the map should zoom relative to the ground.

    "honorZoomLevel": ""

    Use the value false to only honor the zoom level when searching for an address. Use the value true to also use the zoom value when zooming to a selected feature.

    "enableUSNGSearch": ""

    Set to true to allow searching by USNG coordinates

    "enableMGRSSearch": ""

    Set to true to allow searching by MGRS coordinates

    "enableLatLongSearch": ""

    Set to true to allow searching by Latitude/Longitude coordinates

    "geographicalExtentLayer": ""

    Optionally, restrict report submission to a specific geography by specifying the name of an uneditable polygon layer with features representing the areas where reports should be permitted. This restriction will be imposed on all maps accessed through the application containing an uneditable polygon layer with this name.

    "splashScreenTextColor": ""

    Choose a color for the text elements found on the sign in screen.

    "imageBackgroundColor": ""

    Choose a background color for the sign in option graphics found on the sign in screen.

    "imageForeGroundColor": ""

    Choose a foreground color for the sign in option graphics found on the sign in screen.

    "enableHelp": ""

    Choose to enable or disable the help panel.

    "helpLinkText": ""

    Specify the text for the link on the splash page from which this content will be accessible.

    "helpDialogTitle": ""

    Provide a title for the help window.

    "helpDialogContent": ""

    Provide the content that will be displayed in the panel. This can include links and images, and can be formatted using HTML.

    "enableDifferentHelpContent": ""

    Optionally, choose to separate the content accessible from the sign in page and the content accessible in the app, for example, to provide terms of use separate form instructional content.

    "loginHelpDialogTitle": ""

    Provide a title for the help window that is accessible from the sign in page.

    "loginHelpDialogContent": ""

    Provide the content for the help window that is accessible from the sign in page.

    "bufferRadius": ""

    When users choose to share their location with the application, the app will load all features within a specified radius of that location, sorted by proximity, and will provide them the option to expand that search radius. Use the bufferRadius and bufferUnit parameters to specify the initial search area for the application. Users can then expand this search area in increments of the same distance.

    "bufferUnit": ""

    Unit of measure for bufferRadius.

    "geoformDetailsSectionLabel": ""

    The details section of the form is built using the fields marked as editable in the pop-up configuration. Configure a header for the report details section of the form.

    "geoformLocationSectionLabel": ""

    Configure a header for the report location section of the form. The report location can be drawn on the map or found by searching for an address.

    "geoformAttachmentSectionLabel": ""

    Configure a header for section of the form where photos and other supporting files can be added to the report. This section is only available when attachments are enabled on the layer.

    "noWebmapInGroupText": ""

    Provide a message to display when the application cannot access any maps with editable layers to display to the current user.

    "headerTextColor": ""

    Hex value of the color of the text in the application header.

    "bodyBackgroundColor": ""

    Hex value of the color of the background of the application body.

    "bodyTextColor": ""

    Hex value of the color of the text in the application body.

    "buttonBackgroundColor": ""

    Hex value of the color of the background of buttons.

    "buttonTextColor": ""

    Hex value of the color of the text and icons on buttons.

    "sortingField": ""

    Field used to sort the reports, when the device's location is not shared with the application.

    "sortingOrder": ""

    Order in which to sort the reports; either descending(DECS) or ascending (ASC).

    "reportingPeriodDialogTitle": ""

    Title of window that displays when reporting period is closed.

    "reportingPeriodDialogContent": ""

    Content of window that displays when reporting period is closed.

    "reportingPeriod": ""

    Reporting period status.

    "showBaseMapGallery": ""

    Choose to display a basemap toggle. Requires a value for basemapGroup.

    "basemapGroup": ""

    ID of the group containing the basemaps that will be available in the basemap toggle. Leave blank to use the organization basemap group.

    "showLegend": ""

    Choose to display a map legend.

    "featureOutsideAOIMsg": ""

    Message displayed when geographic restrictions are configured and a user attempts to submit a report that is located outside the accepted geography.

    "commentStartDate": ""

    The date that users can begin submitting reports, comments and votes through the application.

    "commentStartTime": ""

    The time that users can begin submitting reports, comments and votes through the application.

    "commentEndDate": ""

    The last date that users can submit reports, comments and votes through the application.

    "commentEndTime": ""

    The last time that users can submit reports, comments and votes through the application.

    "commentsSuccessMessage": ""

    Message displayed when a comment is successfully submitted.

    "commentSortingOrder": ""

    Sort comments ascending using the value ASC or descending using the value DESC.

    "commentSortingField": ""

    Field containing the values used to sort the comments.

  8. In the "sharinghost": tag, change "" to match the host name for your organization.
  9. Save and close the file.
  10. Type the URL http://<yourServer>/<yourSite>/index.html into your Internet browser with the appropriate substitutions. This will open a fully-configured version of Crowdsource Reporter and will confirm that the application is properly set up on the web server.