This item has been moved to mature support. Please see What's new for more information.


Pre-Incident Plan Dashboard can be used to monitor the pre-incident planning process and efforts made to improve response activities.

The dashboard offers a map-based view of key performance indicators used to visualize the status of each pre-incident plan as it progresses through the field inventory and approval process.


Pre-Incident Plan Dashboard requires specific software.

Requirement Description
Solution deployment
  • ArcGIS Pro 2.6 - 2.9 (Basic, Standard, or Advanced)
Solution hosting
  • ArcGIS Online, or
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 - 10.8.1 (Standard or Advanced) with managed data store
  • ArcGIS Dashboards

What you get

Pre-Incident Plan Dashboard can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization without downloading the solution. When you deploy Pre-Incident Plan Dashboard in your organization, you'll find the following:

Item Name Description
Application Pre-Incident Plan Dashboard An application used by fire personnel to monitor Fire Pre-Incident Plans.
Map Pre-Incident Plan Dashboard A map used in the Pre-Incident Plan Dashboard application to monitor Fire Pre-Incident Plans .
Feature layers FirePreIncidentPlans A feature layer used to store Fire Pre-Incident Plans.
FirePreIncidentPlans_dashboard A feature layer view to monitor Pre-incident plans that help fire service personnel effectively manage emergencies and maximize protection for occupants, responding personnel, property, and the environment.

What's new

Below are the release dates and notes for Pre-Incident Plan Dashboard.

Date Description
November 2022
April 2018
  • Support for ArcGIS Dashboards configurable web app.
March 2017
  • First release of Pre-Incident Plan Dashboard

There is a newer version...

Pre-Incident Plan Dashboard has been moved to mature support and replaced by Pre-Incident Planning.
