Uses the Data Reference workbook from the Data Loading Workspace to load data from a source to a target database.
arcpy.NOALIAS.ExecuteDataLoad(reference_workbook, {load_type}, {preview})
Name | Explanation | Data Type |
reference_workbook | The name of the Data Reference workbook defining the data source, target, and mapping workbook paths. | File |
Data Reference workbook
| The name of the Data Reference workbook defining the data source, target, and mapping workbook paths. | File |
load_type (Optional) | Select whether to load data to the Target workspace or to a Preview Geodatabase. | String |
Load Data To:
| Select whether to load data to the Target workspace or to a Preview Geodatabase. | String |
preview (Optional) | The output folder where a Preview Geodatabase will be created. Data will be loaded to this Preview instead of the Target. | Folder |
Preview Output Folder | The output folder where a Preview Geodatabase will be created. Data will be loaded to this Preview instead of the Target. | Folder |
ExecuteDataLoad (Python window)
The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ExecuteDataLoad tool in immediate mode:
ExecuteDataLoad (stand-alone script)
The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the ExecuteDataLoad tool:
# Name:
# Description: Loads the source-target mapping defined in DataReference.xlsx
# Import required modules
import arcpy
# Local Variables
workbook = "D:/data/DataLoadingWorkspace/DataReference.xlsx"
This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.
Licensing information
- Basic: Yes
- Standard: Yes
- Advanced: Yes