Work with the Data Mapping workbooks

The Data Mapping folder contains workbooks for field mapping. These workbooks are organized into Points, Polylines, Polygons, or Tables folders based on the source datasets.

  1. Open the Points, Polylines, Polygons, or Tables folder and double-click a data mapping workbook to open it.

    These workbooks adhere to the following naming convention: source-target.xlsx.

    The workbook opens, and the Info sheet is active.

  2. Configure the columns as necessary.
    • TargetField—The fields from the target dataset.
    • FieldType—The field type of each field in the target dataset.
    • Expression—Directly map fields by selecting a field from the drop-down menu, or write in or reference a Python expression. For example, this can reference an external Python function or a constant value such as a number or a string.
    • LookupSheet—Specify a source domain sheet. This must be used with the LookupKeys and LookupValue columns.
    • LookupKeys—Specify one or more columns in the LookupSheet column. These are source field pairs. To use multiple columns, separate them with a comma.
    • LookupValue—Reference the target value pair in the LookupKeys column and relate the values into a single target field.
  3. Click one of the yellow reference sheets to activate it. The TargetSchema and SourceSchema sheets are always generated. If your source or target datasets contain subtypes, an additional SourceSubtypes and TargetSubtypes sheet will be generated.
  4. Select one of the blue domain sheets to activate it. The definition of each column is described below.
    • <field name>—The domain codes.
    • CodeDes—The domain descriptions.
    • DomainName—The name of the domain.

Now that you have reviewed how to use the Data Mapping workbooks, learn more about the data mapping options.
