This item has been moved to mature support. Please see What's new for more information.


ArcFM Feeder Map

Schneider Electric's ArcFM Feeder map provides an overview of the electric network with conductors thematically mapped by feeder ID. This solution provides planning, operations, and contractors with a map showing the locations of substations, circuit breakers, open tie points, switchable devices, primary overheads, and underground conductors.

ArcFM Feeder map enables organizations to view the electric network on a browser, desktop, or mobile device.


ArcFM Feeder map requires specific technical experience and software.

Requirement Description
Data Publishing
  • ArcGIS Desktop (Standard or Advanced)
    • ArcMap 10.2.1
GIS Service Hosting
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5 - 10.8
    • ArcGIS Data Store, or
    • Enterprise or workgroup geodatabase
Map and App Authoring
  • ArcGIS organization
Web Template
  • Basic Viewer (ArcGIS configurable web application template)
ArcGIS 10.2

What you get

When you download ArcFM Feeder map, you'll find the following in the .zip file:

Directory Item Description
Maps and GDBs ArcFM_Feeder.mxd A map document used to publish the ArcFM Feeder service.
ArcFM_Feeder.gdb A sample ArcFM geodatabase with sample electric feeder data.
Icons A folder containing icons for the services, maps, and apps.

What's new

Below are the release dates and notes for ArcFM Feeder map.

Date Description
November 2020
  • ArcFM Feeder Map has been moved to Mature Support.
January 2018
September 2016
  • An update to the ArcFM Feeder map document to support additional labeling properties and improved cartography.
March 2015
  • Support for ArcGIS 10.3 with the release of the ArcFM Object Reader 64 and 32 for 10.3
June 2014
  • First release of ArcFM Feeder map

Get started with ArcFM Feeder map
