This item has been moved to mature support.

Run connected isolation trace

The As-Built Editing and Analysis map supports analyzing and sharing the results of a connected isolation trace.

To use the tools to run a connected isolation trace, complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to and open the As-Built Editing and Analysis map. Activate the Gas Pressure System data frame (right click on the Gas Pressure System data frame and select Activate).
  2. Browse to the Isolation Area bookmark.
  3. On the Gas Utility Trace toolbar, click on the Isolation Trace tool to activate the tool. Then select a location on the map to be the starting point of the trace.
  4. To share the results, click on the Export Selected Features to Excel from the Gas Utility Trace Toolbar.
  5. To clear the results, click on the Clear Trace Results from the Gas Utility Trace Toolbar.