
To get started, download the ArcGIS Solution and place the contents of the zip file on your computer. The following steps will guide you through the installation and configuration of this solution.

Deploy an ArcGIS Solution

The ArcGIS Solutions app is accessible in the app launcher when you sign in to your ArcGIS Online organization.

To deploy an ArcGIS Solution, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Click the Apps button Apps in the header of the site and click Solutions.
  3. Browse the gallery of ArcGIS Solutions by industry or search for a keyword.
  4. Hover over a solution and click View Details to learn more about it. When you decide to deploy a solution, click Get Now.
  5. If prompted, search for a spatial reference by name or well-known ID (WKID). Click the spatial reference and click Deploy.
  6. Once deployment is complete, hover over the solution and click Open.

The ArcGIS Solutions app creates all the ArcGIS items included with the solution and adds them to a new folder in your content. The app also creates a solution item that summarizes the content included and shows the relationship between items. The solution item will have an ArcGIS Solution badge signifying that it is an Esri supported solution.
